Experimenting with household objects
can often get young people in trouble, but for one intelligent, inquisitive boy,
it created the foundation of his future. Young Henry Ford discovered through his
curious mind that many objects were useful for much more than their intended
purposes. For example, he used to tinker with his father’s fanning tools to see
what they could do. He used his mother’s darning needles to help him repair
watches. And once, in an effort to study the power to steam, he sat and watched
water boil in his mother’s teapot. Little did Ford know that these experiments
would lead him to creating a means of transportation that would change the world
forever. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, near Detroit, Michigan. He was the oldest of six children and the grandson of immigrants from Ireland who came to America i A. move from one place to another B. stay in one place and not move C. move in two directions D. stay in more than one place [多选题]环网电缆中间接头外护套露钢铠破损修复需要的物料为( )。
A.A、铠装带 B.B、自粘带 C.C、绝缘胶带 D.D、水 [单项选择]某工程2台300MW机组采用单元控制室方式,动力负荷和控制负荷合用220V蓄电池组,请根据上述条件配置直流系统。
蓄电池组数配置应为( )。 A. 每台机2组蓄电池; B. 每台机1组蓄电池; C. 两台机2组蓄电池; D. 两台机3组蓄电池。 [不定项选择题]某公司在生产主要产品一丁产品的同时,附带生产出A产品,A产品分离后需进一步加工后才能出售,相关业务如下:
根据资料(3),结转回收残料及赔偿的会计分录为( )。
A、 借:原材料 1200
其他应收款 500
贷:制造费用 1700
B、 借:原材料 1200
其他应收款 500
贷:管理费用 1700
C 、 借:原材料 1200
其他应收款 500
A.贷:生产成本—基本生产成本 1700 B.借:原材料 1200 C.其他应收款 500 D.贷:废品损失 1700 [多项选择]人民法院在审理下列案件时,哪些不能适用调解制度
A. 王某请求确认其婚姻关系无效的诉讼 B. 张某申请法院向其债务人李某发出支付令的案件 C. 赵某申请宣告其失踪3年的父亲为失踪人的案件 D. 红星厂资不抵债,被债权人申请破产的案件 [单选题]依据事故危害程度、影响范围和生产经营单位控制事态的能力,对事故应急响应进行分级,共分()级。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单选题](B737ng)发电机控制组件装在哪里
A.驾驶舱P6板上 B.驾驶舱P18板上 C.主电子舱内 D.前电子舱内 我来回答: 提交