序号 | 分部工程名称 | 合价(元) | 序号 | 分部工程名称 | 合价(元) |
一 | 土方工程 | 701.30 | 六 | 木结构工程 | 1344.00 |
二 | 砖石工程 | 33752.92 | 七 | 楼地面工程 | 6710.24 |
三 | 脚手架工程 | 2536.85 | 八 | 屋面工程 | 3581.71 |
四 | 混凝土及钢筋混凝土工程 | 54316.24 | 九 | 装饰工程 | 14108.62 |
五 | 门窗工程 | 29793.12 | 十 | 金属结构工程 | 5085.68 |
Yamato, the ancient name of Japan,
essentially means "big harmony". To achieve such balance, Japanese society has
refined a plethora of cultural traits: humility, loyalty, respect and consensus.
In the field of business, however, this often results in a lack of leaders who
are willing to stand out from the crowd, promote themselves and act decisively.
"The nail that sticks up gets hammered down" is a common Japanese refrain; "the
hawk with talent hides his talons" is another. Whereas American and European
bosses like to appear on the covers of global business magazines, their Japanese
counterparts are comfortable in their obscurity. Business in Japan is generally
run as a group endeavor. Such democratic virtues served the country well in the post-war period. But today they hold too many Japanese firms back. Japan boasts some of the A. Jobs are allocated by age. B. People all work unnecessary long hours, C. Female and foreign senior roles are scarcely seen. D. Many Japanese firms are operating on a global scale. [多项选择]对监督的正确认识是()。
A. 监督是对干部的最大保护 B. 监督不是包办代替 C. 监督要从上做起 D. 要正确对待外部监督 [单项选择]痫病的病位是:()
A. 心 B. 脾 C. 肝 D. 肾 E. 脑 [判断题]办理贷款业务应坚持'统一授信、审贷分离、分级审批、贷放分控、实贷实付'的原则。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]接触网送电开通时必须做到:充分准备、集中领导、分段指挥、编制方案。().
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在踝关节和足部肌肉牵伸中,牵伸踝跖屈肌群,下列说法正确的是( )
A.能增加踝关节跖屈功能 B.能增加踝关节背伸功能 C.患者体位:取坐位 D.治疗师手的位置:上方手固定胫骨远端,下方手握住足的背面 E.牵伸手法:下方手用力向下活动足至最大跖屈活动范围 [判断题]触电者神志不清,判断意识无,有心跳,但呼吸停止或极微弱时,应立即用仰头抬颏法,使气道开放,并对触电者施行心脏按压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]修正值与误差的绝对值相同,但符号 。
[单选题]诊断肾综合征出血热患者,在病程第6天,尿量80ml/24h,血压186/118mmHg,面部水肿,两肺底有散在湿啰音,该患者目前处于疾病的哪期 ( )
A.发热期 B.低血压休克期 C.少尿期 D.多尿期 E.恢复期 [判断题]聋哑人张某身藏一把匕首,在菜市场从李某身上的口袋里偷走了90元现金。对张某应当以盗窃进行治安管理处罚,但是可以从轻、减轻或者不予处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人的感觉印象最多的来自( )。
A. 耳朵 B. 眼睛 C. 鼻子 D. 四肢 [单项选择]不是结核性脑膜炎的早期临床表现的是()
A. 性情改变 B. 低热、纳差、盗汗、消瘦 C. 头痛、呕吐 D. 面神经瘫痪 E. 蹙眉皱额、凝视或嗜睡 [多选题] 现场防护员应根据( )等情况确定站位和移动路径,并做好自身防护。 (1分)
A.施工作业现场地形条件 B.列车运行特点 C.施工人员 D.机具布置 我来回答: 提交