In 1997, devotees of home electronics
eagerly awaited the DVD player, a new device that could play movies without
videotape, and with greater clarity. It caught on even faster than CD music
players and within four years, DVD movies surpassed VHS tapes in sales. The
DVD’s success is just on example of a historic shift from analog to digital
technologies. They began with computing and are now spreading to industries from
banking to publishing. Products and services are shedding the limits of their
physical form to become encoded information that never degrades, can be
reproduced perfectly and distributed around the world in minutes, or
less. Another example is photography: by the end of this year, tile number of images captured digitally each day is expected to surpass the number of images captured on film. With digital ca A. hope that the good news won’t change B. expect more positive innovations C. wait for the situation to change for the better D. try and be more optimistic [简答题]恶性肿瘤综合治疗中为什么要坚持中西医并重的原则?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Increasingly over the past ten years, the general population (and especially young people) has become aware of the need to change its eating habits, because much of the food we cat, particularly processed foods, is not good for our health. Conversely, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been grown using chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today. [单项选择]关于强心苷临床应用的描述,不正确的说法是哪一项
A. 对瓣膜病引起的慢性心功能不全疗效良好 B. 对高血压引起的慢性心功能不全效果良好 C. 对继发于严重贫血的慢性心功能不全效果良好 D. 对甲亢引起的慢性心功能不全疗效较差 E. 对肺源性心脏病引起的慢性心功能不全疗效差 [多项选择]既有建筑进行扩建、改建施工时,必须明确划分施工区和非施工区。()
A. 施工区不得营业、使用和居住 B. 施工区只要完善安全措施可以营业、使用和居住 C. 施工区和非施工区之间应采用耐火极限不低于3.0h的不燃烧体隔墙进行防火分隔 D. 施工区和非施工区之间的防火分隔隔墙上可以开设门或洞口 E. 施工区和非施工区之间的防火分隔隔墙上不可以开设门或洞口 [单选题]犬咬伤后应立即用浓肥皂水或清水冲洗伤口至少( )min,同时用挤压法自上而下将残留伤口内唾液挤出,然后再用碘酒涂搽伤口。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]局《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中空调列车车内温度保持冬季达到( ),夏季( )。
A.18-22度 B.18-20度 C.24-26度 D.26-28度 [单选题]对于劳动争议终局裁决不服的,用人单位可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起30日内向劳动争议仲裁委员会所在地的( )人民法院申请撤销裁决。
A.初级 B.中级 C.高级 D.最高 [多选题]与其他开关电器比较,以下选项属于接触器的特点的是 。
A.动作次数频繁 B.能通、断较大电流 C.温度监控报警 D.可以实现一定距离的控制 [单选题]放线、紧线与撤线时,作业人员不应站在或跨在已受力的牵引绳、导线的(),展放的导线圈内以及牵引绳或架空线的垂直下方。
A.外角侧 B.内角侧 C.上方 D.受力侧 [多选题]某公司从事机械制造需使用起重机械。依据《特种设备安全法》的规定,下列关于起重机械使用的说法,正确的有()。
A.该公司使用的起重机械必须经检验合格 B.起重机械出现故障或者发生异常情况,该公司应当对其进行全面检查,消除事故隐患 C.该公司使用起重机械,应当在投入使用后60日内办理使用登记 D.该公司使用起重机械,应当建立岗位责任、隐患治理等安全管理制度,制定操作规程 E.该公司应当按要求在检验合格有效期届满前一个月向特种设备检验检测机构提出定期检验要求 [单项选择] Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage: