Most managers make decisions under
conditions of risk. and the managers at Super Drinks are no exception. With 10
percent of the domestic soft-drink market under its {{U}} (19) {{/U}} the
company has now {{U}} (20) {{/U}} its horizons and moved into the wine
industry. Having {{U}} (21) {{/U}} $110 million buying the Taste Wine corporation. Super Drinks are currently in the process of {{U}} (22) {{/U}} to the wine business the same tools that have made coke a popular soft drink in the world -- money, muscle and marketing. The firm is trying to {{U}} (23) {{/U}} its newly acquired wine business to the soft-drink mold that has proved {{U}} A. confirmed B. identified C. verified D. recognized [判断题]《铁路行李包裹损失处理规则》中规定,涉及被告单位以外铁路其他单位责任时,应根据法院的调解或判决和本规则有关规定确定责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]公司各部门、各分支机构对其职责范围内的()负有直接和第一位的责任。
A.26dbm B.25dbm C.23dbm D.22dbm [单项选择]五十五岁妇女,上环15年,月经紊乱1年,停经3月,子宫出血10余天,淋漓不尽有潮热,阵汗2个月,妇检;外阴阴道正常宫颈光滑,子宫水平位正常大小,双附件未及肿物。妇女最有可能的诊断()。
A. 子宫内膜炎 B. 宫内节育器异位 C. 围绝经期功血 D. 子宫内膜癌 E. 先兆流产 [多选题]作业人员应具备必要的(),且按工作性质,熟悉《电力安全工作规程》(线路部分)的相关部分,并经考试合格。
A.电气知识 B.理论知识 C.业务技能 D.实践经验 [多选题]建设项目全生命期一体化管理模式主要涵盖了哪些方面?()
A.参与方一体化 B.管理成本一体化 C.管理要素一体化 D.管理过程一体化 [判断题] 监控设备检修工作,按自动化设备检修流程向相应调控机构办理申请手续。监控设备的现场检修应得到相应调控机构自动化运行值班人员许可。对于测控装置、测控保护合一装置的停役检修,还应告知相应调控机构的调、控值班员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH380B变压器为芯式变压器,膨胀油箱位于02、07车的车顶,从而补偿因温度变化而产生的冷却剂量的变化。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] No matter how large or notable the U. S. travel industry is or may become, it will always be members of a broader world society. The charge facing all of us is to appropriately en gage poverty. Poverty is certainly not new but the means at our disposal to address poverty are improving by the day. Fortunately, the $ 3.3 trillion world travel industry is uniquely suited to address poverty in regions where it is most entrenched. In the course of making a case for harnessing travel and tourism for poverty reduction, the travel and tourism industry already exists in every region of the globe and is a proven job producer and sustainer of native culture.
That travel and tourism creates good jobs is indisputable. In the U. S. , the Industrial Age economy is in transition to a service economy, and travel and tourism is responsible for one in every seven workers in the U. S. civilian workforce, directly or indirectly. But by no means is this phenomenon limited to the U. S. The World Trave
A. argue that travel is an important industry B. encourage people in the tourism industry to do more for poverty C. point out that the travel industry has social, cultural as well as economic value D. to show travel industry’’s important role in nation building [多选题]18、处置液氯泄漏事故时,对个人防护的要求是()。
A.进入毒区的抢险人员要精干 B.佩戴正压自给式呼吸器 C.穿着一般消防防护服 D.穿着密封式消防防化服 E.出开花或喷雾水枪对进入现场人员进行掩护 [单项选择]BSP方法中,定义数据类有许多工具,下列哪种是工具属于表示系统总体结构的 ( )
A. 输入—处理—输出图 B. 资源/数据类矩阵 C. 过程/数据类矩阵 D. 信息生命周期数据关系图 [单选题]在使用内燃螺栓扳手时,内燃机启动时间应不大于()s。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [单项选择]下列选项对公司公开发行公司债券的表述,错误的是:( )。
A. 股份有限公司的净资产不低于人民币三千万元,有限责任公司的净资产不低于人民币六千万元 B. 累计债券余额不超过公司净资产的百分之四十 C. 最近三年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券一年的利息 D. 公开发行公司债券筹集的资金诚以用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出 我来回答: 提交