Li Shan: Hello! Can I help you
Foreigner: Yes. I want to visit the Tian’anmen Square, the History Museum, do some shop-
ping and go to see a theatre.
Li Shan: (56)
Foreigner: Just one day.
Li Shan: Well, you can go shopping in Wangfujing street in the morning.
Foreigner: How can I get there
Li Shan: (57)
Foreigner: Are there any restaurants in Wangfujing street
Li Shah: Yes, there are lots. You can have lunch there, and in the afternoon, (58)
Foreigner: I want to go to a theatre in the evening.
Li Shan: Well, (59)
Foreigner: Wonderful. Thanks for your help.
Li Shan: You’re welcome. (60)
The seriously depressed person sees
himself in a very negative way. He is sure that he is alone and hopeless. He
often blames himself for ordinary faults and shortcomings which he exaggerates.
He is very discouraged about himself, the world, and his future. He becomes less
interested in what is going on around him and doesn’t get satisfaction from
things he used to enjoy. Fatigue and early morning sleeplessness are quite
common. The depressed person may want to sleep more than usual. He may lose his
appetite and lose weight or eat more than normally and gain weight. Another
particular sign, seen in women is crying spells. Many of these spells are short
and common. Some depressive illness may not show the usual signs of moody sadness and hopelessness. In these cases, the potential depression may mask itself as physical discomfor A. is often awake very early in the morning B. must take sleeping pills to fall asleep C. should have more rest than other people D. would like to go to bed early in the evening [单选题]在B区的乙公司向在A区的甲公司购买玩具,合同约定交货地在C区,并约定如有纠纷,由履行地法院管辖。后甲公司拒绝交付玩具,乙公司欲起诉甲公司,则应由( )管辖。
A.A区法院 B.B区法院 C.C区法院 D.以上说法都不对 [多选题]不符合渗出液特点的是
A.A比重 1.018 B.LDH 200IU C.蛋白定量 25g/L D.葡萄糖定量 血糖 [判断题]按定额规定计算满堂脚手架后,室内墙面装饰工程,不再计内墙装饰脚手( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列地理现象的形成原因,按其内在联系正确的是()
A. 日出前的黎明和日落后的黄昏天空仍然明亮——大气的反射作用 B. 早春和晚秋多云的夜晚不会有霜冻——大气逆辐射作用 C. 夏季天空多云时,白天气温不会太高——大气的散射作用 D. 晴朗的天空呈现蔚蓝色——大气的吸收作用 [单选题]氢气在空气中的浓度低于()时便不能点燃。
A.7% B.6% C.5% D.4% [单项选择]下边哪一项不是罗杰斯提出的“建立良好师生关系”的必备条件?()
A. 真诚 B. 接受 C. 同情 D. 理解 [简答题]注册安全工程师按专业分类管理,具体办法由国务院(____)和(____)、国务院安全生产监督管理部门会同国务院有关部门制定。
Text 2 [多选题]为(),依据南方电网公司及公司有关规定制定贵州电网有限责任公司审计整改管理实施细则。
A.进一步深化审计成果运用 B.规范公司系统审计整改工作 C.提高整改工作质量和效果 D.形成以整改促管理的良性循环 [填空题]曲线地段应根据钢轨状况合理<--NRC-->,易锈蚀地段宜采用耐锈蚀钢轨或在钢轨上涂抹防锈剂。
[单选题]容易氧化和遇光变质的药物是( )
A.地高辛 B.乙醇 C.干酵母 D.盐酸肾上腺素 E.地西泮 [名词解释]粘贴
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]曲线地段的外轨超高,应按有关规定的办法和标准确定。最大实设超高:单线地段不得超过()。
A.150mm B.135mm C.125mm [单选题]尖轨、可动心轨(),轮缘有爬上尖轨、可动心轨的危险时,该道岔不能使用。
A.于基本轨不密贴 B.低于基本轨 C.高于基本轨 D.被轧伤 [单选题]下列关于办理治安案件中传唤、口头传唤、强制传唤的表述正确的是( )。
A.强制传唤,必须对被传唤人使用警绳、手铐等警械 B.对逃避人民警察口头传唤的,可强制传唤 C.传唤只能将被传唤人带至公安机关 D.对同一人的传唤只能使用一次 我来回答: 提交