Next time you’re filling up the cavernous fuel tank of the gas-gulping family jalopy, imagine getting 230 miles per gallon. Better yet, how about never buying another gallon of gas After years o{ hope and hype, electron-powered driving finally appears to be on the verge of reality. In the next three years, at least a dozen pure electric or plug-in hybrid cars are slated to hit the market in the U. S. Electricity-driven vehicles from giants such as General Motors Co. and Nissan Motor Co., as well as start-ups like Fisker Automotive Inc. in Irvine, will provide consumers with a wide variety of choices. These new vehicles promise to combine blinding fuel efficiency, radical new technology and futuristic styling that makes the hybrid Toyota Prius look downright A. gasoline-powered cars. B. technological restrictions. C. lacking government’s support. D. no profits and unfeasibility. [多选题]建筑起重机械安全技术档案应当包括的资料有( )。
A.购销合同、制造许可证、产品合格证 B.定期检验报告、定期自行检查记录、定期维护保养记录 C.维修和技术改造记录、运行故障和生产安全事故记录 D.首次安装验收资料 [单选题]下面哪一项不属于静密封()。
A.点密封 B.胶密封 C.接触密封 D.旋转密封 [单项选择]建筑安装工程一般不得超过当年安装工作量的( ),安装材料用量较大的工程,可以适当增加预付款。
A. 20% B. 30% C. 15% D. 10% [多选题]扑救高层建筑火灾采用垂直铺设水带方式供水,必需考虑( )。(中)
A.消防车最大供水高度 B.消防车停放位置 C.水带耐压性能 D.水带连接强度 [单选题]旅客违法携带烟花爆竹、枪支弹药等危险物品,由( )依法给予治安管理处罚。
A.铁路车站 B.安检支队 C.公安机关 D.铁路主管部门 [不定项选择]规范文化主要有下列三种表达方式( )。
A. 环境文化 B. 组织形态 C. 设施文化 D. 规章制度 E. 角色规范 [多选题]34、使用爆炸物探测器(以IONSCAN400B为例)分析样品时,放入样品的步骤包括( )。
A.根据显示屏提示,将取样布放入仪器中 B.放入取样布时,“脏”的一面朝上,将盖子盖上 C.使取样布上有样品的部分正好暴露在白色取样环上 D.将取样托盘一直推到最右边,仪器自动开始进行分析 [单项选择]在组织管理的研究中,组织行为理论的主要代表人物是()
A. 巴纳德 B. 摩尔斯 C. 洛斯奇 D. 法约尔 [单项选择]There is a closer relationship between morals and architecture and interior decoration (61) we suspect. Huxley has pointed out that Western ladies did not take frequent baths (62) they were afraid to see their own naked bodies, and this moral concept delayed the (63) of the modern white-enameled bathtub for centuries. One can understand (64) in the design of old Chinese furniture there was so little consideration for human (65) only when we realize the Confucian atmosphere in which people moved about. Chinese redwood furniture was designed for people to sit (66) in, because that was the only posture approved by society. Even Chinese emperors had to sit on a(n) (67) on which I would not think of (68) for more than five minutes, and for that matter the English kings were just as badly off. Cleopatra went about (69) on a couch carried by servants, because (70) she had never heard of Confucius. If Confucius should ha
A. hold B. sit C. behave D. conduct [单选题]施工现场室外消火栓间距不大于( )m。
A.80 B.100 C.120 D.160 [多选题]运营主管( )对本网点业务库、所有柜员尾箱及自助设备钞箱进行一次检查。若自助设备记账员是由运营主管兼任的,则由网点负责人或一级支行指定人员每月另外开展( )自助设备钞箱检查,分别安排在每个月1日-15日及16日至月末最后一个工作日前进行。
A.每月 B.每周 C.一次 D.两次 [判断题]高压设备上工作,在手车开关拉出后,应观察隔离挡板是否可靠封闭。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交