6-10 The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students in my way to work these mornings. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape. These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be "self care". Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th-century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only 3 percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are s A. to describe how American children spend their summer B. to explain the needs of the modern working families C. to discuss the problems of the current school calendar D. to persuade parents to stay at home to look after their kids [判断题]根据《水利水电工程施工通用安全技术规程》,水下爆破应使用防水的或经防水处理的爆破器材。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]城市社会隔离表现在城市生活中最明显的是( )。
A.社会分层 B.居住隔离 C.种族隔离 D.性别隔离 [单选题] 曲线基本要素中缓和曲线长常用( )表示。
A.T B.E C.L D.l0 [多项选择]旱生植物叶常()。
A. 叶脉稠密 B. 气孔下陷或限生于局部区域 C. 角质层发达,有些种类具有复表皮 D. 栅栏组织发达 [单项选择]下列属于新增流动资产的是()。
A. 动力设备 B. 生产设备 C. 存货 D. 销售网络 [判断题]伪造、隐匿、毁灭证据或者提供虚假证言、谎报案情,影响行政执法机关依法办案,应当依法给予治安管理处罚。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]单层或多层民用建筑内装有自动灭火系统时,顶棚装修材料的燃烧性能可在相关基础上降低一级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调查是指按工作职责分工,由有业务管理权限的部门负责组织调查、取证,提出初步处分建议并征求( )意见。
A.人资部门 B.监督部门 C.工会组织 D.员工处分审议组 [单选题]以下不属于鸡蛋用在浆、粉中所起作用的选项是( )
A.使原料易于均匀加热 B.增白 C.致鲜嫩 D.起发 [单选题]用爆炸法销毁导爆索时,一次销毁导爆索的长度不宜超过1000m,而且要与其它爆炸物品分开销毁。( )
A. 正确 B. 错误 [单项选择]促进扩散的特点中不含()
A. 有专一性 B. 传递酶诱导产生 C. 取决于膜性质 D. 不需要能量 我来回答: 提交