Passage 4 There is nothing illogical or synthetic about the humility of great bookmen in calling attention to the limitations of the book. No book can (1) us to know everything that is to be known, or feel everything that is to be felt. A book is part of life, not a substitute (2) it. It is not a fit (3) for worship or enshrinement. It loses its charm and much of its value when accepted uncritically. No one would have been more (4) than Aristotle if he could have known of the excessive and (5) veneration that would be given to his ideas in centuries to (6) When his works became the last words of advance knowledge, such knowledge became neither advanced nor vital. The particular occasion for these remarks is that there are (7) here and there that some of us in the book world A. pages B. covers C. lines D. rows [单选题]机房及相关设施应配备防水、防潮、防盗、防小动物、防静电等安全设施,应按规定对关键区域实施( )。
A.电磁屏蔽 B.信息屏蔽 C.通信屏蔽 D.防雷接地 [单选题]“ ”型动车组动力转向架构架比非动力转向架构架在横梁上多了一个齿轮箱拉杆座。
A.CRH1A B.CRH380A统 C.CRH380B D.CRH5 [判断题]重定价日是指重新确定价格水平日期的下一天。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]使用局部通风机通风的掘进工作面,对通风机有哪些要求( )
A.使用局部通风机通风的掘进工作面,不得停风;因检修、停电等原因停风时,必须撤出人员,切断电源。 B.恢复通风前,必须检查瓦斯 C.只有在局部通风机及其开关附近20米以内风流中的瓦斯浓度都不超过0.5%时,方可人工开启局部通风机。 [简答题]坐骨神经
[判断题]发现有人触电在断开触电电源的情况下,应该立即进行触电急救。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]“机械工业系统无损检测人员技术资格鉴定和证书颁发条例”规定五种方法的无损检测人员分为I、II、III级,其中()级为最高级,()级人员才有资格写出评定检测结果的报告。
[单选题] 小李在配电变压器停电操作时,应按照()顺序操作。
反馈 A.先停低压侧,后停高压侧 B.先停高压侧,后停低压侧 C.都可以 D.同时操作低压和高压侧 我来回答: 提交