It has been justly said that while "we speak with our vocal organs we (1) with our whole bodies," All of us communicate with one another (2) , as well as with words. Sometimes we know what we’ re doing, as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs - up sign to indicate that we (3) But most of the time we’ re not aware that we’ re doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’ s eyes and (4) . These actions we (5) are random and incidental. But researchers (6) that there is a system of them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language, and they conclude that there is a whole (7) of body language, (8) the way we move, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we (9) , the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand (10) each other. The body language serves a variety of purposes. Firstly it can replace verbal communicatio
A. signs
B. gestures
C. movements
D. signals
{{B}}"Salty" Rice Plant Boosts
Harvests{{/B}} British scientists are breeding a new generation of rice plants that will be able to grow in soil containing salt water. Their work may enable abandoned farms to become productive once more. Tim Flowers and Tony Yeo, from Sussex University’s School of Biological Sciences, have spent several years researching how crops, such as rice, could be made to grow in water that has become salty. The pair have recently begun a three-year programme, funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, to establish which genes enable some plants to survive salty conditions. The aim is to breed this capability into crops, starting with rice. It is estimated that each year more than 100 hectares (公顷) of agricultural land are lost beca A. Natural barriers to sea water have been destroyed. B. The water table has gone down after droughts. C. Sea level has been continuously rising. D. Evaporation of water leaves salt behind. [简答题] No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. "Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers " Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. "You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well " At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It’’s a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.
At the core of this debate is Chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the company’’s mountainous debt, which will increase to 17.3 billion after two new cable deals close. He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are wai
A. 从自身性别的出发 B. 从自身的体育基础出发 C. 从自身的身体状况出发 D. 从自身的年龄出发 E. 随心所欲 [单选题]对于直流电压等级,()电压等级电网为高压直流配电网。
A.±50kV(不含)至±100kV B.±50kV至±(不含)100kV C.±40kV(不含)至±80kV D.±40kV至±(不含)80kV [单项选择]规定每年收取相等的保险费,与一般寿险的平均保险费原理相同,要求逐年建立准备金以支付将来的给付责任的方法,被称为( )
A. 统一费率法 B. 阶梯费率法 C. 均衡费率法 D. 逐年变动费率法 [简答题]蓝色的门边毛巾一般用请水洗几次可以甩干使用?
[单选题]自( )之日起,烟草专卖行政主管部门办理烟草专卖零售许可证的期限开始适用。
A. 申请人提出申请 B. 烟草专卖局接到申请 C. 烟草专卖局受理 D. 烟草专卖局实地核查 [判断题]核相工作应逐相进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]残缺、污损人民币的兑换标准是()
A.能辨别面额,票面剩余四分之三(含四分之三)以上,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,银行业金融机构应向持有人按原面额全额兑换 B.能辨别面额,票面剩余二分之一(含二分之一)至四分之三以下,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,银行业金融机构应向持有人按面额的一半兑换 C.纸币呈正十字形缺少四分之一的,按原面额的一半兑换 D.纸币呈正十字形缺少四分之一的,按原面额的全额兑换 [单项选择]保险合同的投保人要取得保险的风险保障,必须支付相应的代价。这说明保险合同是( )合同。
A. 无偿 B. 有偿 C. 保障 D. 双务 我来回答: 提交