The proportion of works cut for the
cinema in Britain dropped from 40 percent when I joined the BBFC in 1975 to less
than 4 percent when I left. But I don’t think that 20 years from now it will be
possible to regulate any medium as closely as I regulated film. The Internet is, of course, the greatest problem for this century. The world will have to find a means, through some sort of international treaty of United Nations initiative, to control the material that’s now going totally unregulated into people’s homes. That said, it will only take one little country like Paraguay to refuse to sign a treaty for transmission to be unstoppable. Parental control is never going to be sufficient. I’m still very worried about the impact of violent video games, even though researchers say their impact is moderated by the fact that players don’ A. Violent films. B. Comedy. C. European films. D. Films acted by Leonardo DiCaprio. [多选题]沉水叶常具有( )等特征,以适应水生环境。
A.表皮细胞壁薄,常含叶绿体 B.叶肉层数少 C.维管组织和机械组织不发达 D.具有发达的贮水组织 [单项选择]
College Requires Fitness Assessment for Freshmen During their first semester at Coker College, students this year will take a new required sequence designed to ease the transition from high school. But it’s not your typical orientation class. Yes, it will involve advice on how to live independently, serve the community and engage with peers of differing opinions. But a major component of Coker College 101 compels students to do something they’re probably not used to being told to do: get fit. All freshmen this year will take a compulsory "fitness assessment", in which they will—among other things—receive their body mass index (BMI) (体质指数) score, which measures body fat; do a one-mile rim/walk; and see how many push-ups and sit-ups they can do in a few minutes. If time permits, the students may also do curl-ups, trunk lifts, and beep tests, in which they run back and forth between two cones at increasingly quick speeds. The A. Because many of its students are overweight. B. Because the president lost 100 pounds when he was in college. C. Because the staff think it is good for students to take fitness classes. D. Because students should get fit so as to graduate. [单项选择]以企业最高目标为核心理念的企业文化,属于()企业文化。
A. 成熟型 B. 竞争型 C. 目标型 D. 传统型 [多选题] 下列情况下应在车行道边缘施划边缘白色实线( )
A.路侧障碍物距车行道较近的路段 B.交通流发生合流和分流的路段 C.非机动车或行人较多的机非混行的路段 D.采用道路设计极限指标的曲线段及其上下游路段 [多项选择]患者男,68岁。高血压病史15年,因突发心前区压榨样疼痛伴憋喘4小时入院。2年前有脑出血史。体检:神志清,两肺闻及湿啰音,心率126次/分,心律绝对不齐,第一心音强弱不等。心电图是P波消失,代之以大小不等的f波,心室率116次/分,QRS时限0.104s,V1、V2呈rsR型,V4~6呈QRS型,ST段弓背向上抬高0.3~0.5mV,T波倒置。目前患者的诊断有()。
A. 急性前间壁心肌梗死 B. 急性前壁心肌梗死 C. 急性广泛前壁心肌梗死 D. 高血压 E. 完全性右束支传导阻滞 F. 完全性左束支传导阻滞 G. 泵衰竭 H. 心房纤颤 I. 急性心包炎 [单选题]使用万用表判断二极管好坏,以下情况说明二极管状态良好的是()
A.正向电阻大、反向电阻小 B.正向电阻大、反向电阻也大 C.正向电阻小、方向电阻也小 D.正向电阻小、反向电阻大 [单项选择]桃和杏果中含有的有机酸主要是()
A. 乳酸 B. 柠檬酸 C. 洒石酸 D. 苹果酸 [填空题]教育信息化的根本目的是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]数据流图的类型有 【3】 和事务型。
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