The recession is taking a serious toll
on American retail, but e-commerce could emerge as a winner. According to a new report by Forrester Research, e-commerce sales are {{U}} (67) {{/U}}. to grow 11% , to $ 156 billion, in 2009. That {{U}} (68) {{/U}} a slowdown from 13% growth last year and 18% in 2007. The major factor {{U}} (69) {{/U}} to the pace shift is, of course, {{U}} (70) {{/U}} consumer confidence. But e-commerce’s slowed pace is, still {{U}} (71) {{/U}} better than the National Retail Federation’s {{U}} (72) {{/U}} 0.5% drop in overall retail sales this year. That means e-commerce is stealing market share from {{U}} (73) {{/U}} retail -- and fast. By Forrester’s estimates, in 2008 e-commerce {{U}} (74) {{/U}} for 5% of all retail sales. In 2012, Forrester thinks ecommerce could have an 8% {{U}} (75) A. declining B. inclining C. improving D. impacting [单项选择] Your company has an Active Directory domain. All the servers in the company run either Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. A Windows Server 2003 server named WSS2 runs Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 2.0. The company plans to migrate to WSS 3.0 on a Windows Server 2008 server named WSS3. You need to migrate the configuration and content from WSS2 to WSS3. What should you do?()
A. Back up the SharePoint configuration and content from WSS2. Install WSS 3.0 on WSS3. Restore the backup from WSS2 to WSS3. B. Upgrade WSS2 to Windows Server 2008. Back up the SharePoint configuration and content from WSS2. Install WSS 3.0 on WSS3. Restore the backup from WSS2 to WSS3. C. Back up the SQL Server 2005 configuration and the WSS 2.0 databases from WSS2. Install SQL Server 2005 on WSS3. Restore the SQL Server 2005 backup from WSS2 to WSS3. D. Back up the WSS 2.0 configuration and content from WSS2. Install WSS 2.0 on WSS3. Restore the backup from WSS2 to WSS3. Perform an in-place upgrade of WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0 on WSS3. [判断题]按原油中烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃等主要烃类的组成不同,可大致分为石蜡基原油、中间基原油、环烷基原油。[T/]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]启发洪秀全创立拜上帝会、从事革命的书籍是()。
A. 《劝世金针》 B. 《劝世箴》 C. 《劝世歌》 D. 《劝世良言》 [单选题]车站必须设在坡道上时,其坡度不应超过( )。
A.1‰ B.1.5‰ C.2‰ D.3‰ [判断题]组织外来人员施工挖坑时,应将技术措施交待清楚,并加强监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《技规》中对改按天气恶劣难以辨认信号的办法行车有何规定?
[单选题]当发生胶带撕断时,要打紧急停机信号,立即紧急停机,并将胶带上的( )清理干净。然后开动涨紧绞车松开机头储带仓的胶带。
A.载煤 B.杂物 C.矸石 D.水煤 [单选题]氧气瓶与乙炔发生器、明火、可燃气瓶或热源的距离应大于(____)m。
A. 10 B. 5 C. 1 D. 2 案例10 紧线中卡住地线错误处理
根据计划在12月13~15日,对110kV开龙线7~12号耐张段地线进行更换, 该线10~11号档从220kV龙双线15~16号档下方穿越。12月14日,施工单位更换右地线的过程中,由于施工受到阻拦,直到16时多才开始牵引工作。在牵引过程中,10~11号档内地线发生被卡的现象,随着拉力逐渐增大,被卡的松脱地线发生弹跳,造成上跨的220kV龙双线15~16号档A相导线对其放电,220kV龙双2208线开关跳闸,重合成功。
A. 全局变量 B. 局部变量 C. 两者都是 [单选题]
财务部门和营销部门都是电费核算部门,财务部门负责电费总账核算,营销部门负责明细账核算。 A. 对 B. 错 [多选题]下列行为构成故意杀人罪的是()。
A.王某将换溶血症的女儿丢弃在山上,致使女儿死亡 B.贾某和李某是情侣关系,由于家里反对其恋爱关系,两人相约自杀,但李某在欺骗贾某先自杀后逃走 C.齐某将某女强奸,某女受不了打击选择了自杀 D.张某发现自己饲养的宠物撕咬邻居小孩故意不制止,导致邻居小孩被咬死 [多选题]按行李办理的残疾人车(轮椅)行包房受理后,应将( )等信息通知车站客运部门,由其按有关规定做好重点旅客服务工作。
A.旅客姓名 B.所乘车次 C.席位号 D.行李票号 [单选题]动车组公布票价打折时,在票面打印“( )”字。
A.折扣 B.折 C.折一 D.折二 [单项选择]在一个区域内,影响城镇体系发展的物质性因素有( )。
①所处区域的自然地理条件 ②所处区域的交通条件 ③所处区域的工业和农业发展 ④原有生产力布局的基础和科技发展水平 ⑤所处区域的文化、社会心理、习俗、政策等 A. ①②③⑤ B. ②③④⑤ C. ①②③④ D. ①③④⑤ [单选题]跑步换齐步,听到口令,继续跑( )步,然后换齐步行进。( )
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 27 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the news.{{/I}}What comments can be made on their way of getting into the U.S.
A. It’s the most common way. B. It’s the most successful way. C. It’s the most unusual way. D. It’s the least expensive way. [判断题]飞机在平飞阶段出现火情,灭火和信息传递是同等重要的.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HXN3型内燃机车柴油机的两侧有与柴油机长度相等的增压器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》规定,承包人的( )要求,虽然在工程项目的合同条款中没有专门的文字叙述,但可以根据合同的某些条款的含义,推论出承包人有索赔权。
A.明示索赔 B.工程变更索赔 C.工程延误索赔 D.默示索赔 我来回答: 提交