In United States it is not customary to
telephone someone very early in the morning. If you call him early in the day,
while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the
matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is
attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m. If someone receives a call
during sleeping hours, he assures it is a matter of life or death. The time
chosen for the call communicates its importance. In social life, time plays a very important role. In United States, guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But this is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are m A. time and manners B. promptness C. cultural differences between the East and the West D. rules of time [名词解释]竞争性差别工资
[判断题]芝加哥期货交易所大豆期货期权在最后交易日,实值期权自动履约。( )
A. 文化是人类社会和自然界共有的现象 B. 文化是脱离政治、经济而独立存在的自然现象 C. 人的素养是与生俱来的 D. 文化是人类社会特有的现象,有了人类社会才有文化 [单项选择]对犯罪的人适用刑罚,对守法公民的作用是()。
A. 特殊预防 B. 一般预防 C. 警戒作用 D. 教育作用 [单选题]邓小平第一次赴美国进行正式访问是在( )1月28日。
A.1978年 B.1979年 C.1982年 D.1985年 [单选题]使用冰袋降温时,以下护理措施不妥的是( )
A.随时观察冰袋有无漏水 B.冰块融化后及时更换 C.冰袋使用后1~2小时应测体温 D.体温降至39℃以下即可取下冰袋 E.皮肤出现苍白、青紫应立即取下冰袋 [简答题]目前,中国人民银行采用的利率工具主要有哪些?
[单选题]使用稳压二极管时极性不能接反,否则会造成电源( )。
A.短路 B.过流 C.断路 D.接地 [单项选择]Many critics of the current welfare system argue that existing welfare regulations foster family instability. They maintain that those regulations, which exclude most poor husband and wife families from Aid to Families with Dependent Children assistance grants, contribute to the problem of family dissolution. Thus, they conclude that expanding the set of families eligible for family assistance plans or guaranteed income measures would result in a marked strengthening of the low-income family structure. If all poor families could receive welfare, would the incidence of instability change markedly The unhappily married couple, in most cases, remain together out of a sense of economic responsibility for their children, because of the high costs of separation, or because of the consumption benefits of marriage. The formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the family is in large part a function of the relative balance between the benefits and costs of marriage as seen by the individual me
A. the agreement between couples reinforce marital stability B. expected AFDC income helps to strengthen family stability C. AFDC regulations are to blame for family instability D. public assistance upsets the balance between benefits and costs of marriage [单选题] 对( )应进行现场调查,并将现场访谈记录和调查日志作为评级基础资料上传相关系统。
A. 采用“模型评级”方式且拟评为AA+级及以上的集团整体客户 B. 采用“模型评级”方式且拟评为AA+级及以上的单一客户 C. 采用“专家评级”方式或拟评为BBB+级及以上的单一客户 D. 采用“专家评级”方式或拟评为BBB+级及以上的集团整体客户 [单项选择]使用长春新碱后肿瘤细胞多处于:
A. G2期 B. M期前期 C. M期中期 D. M期后期 E. M期末期 [单项选择]对公司、企业人员行贿罪在犯罪主观方面必须出于()
A. 犯罪故意 B. 谋取不正当利益的目的 C. 谋取非法利益的目的 D. 谋取不道德利益的目的 [单项选择]长期使用肾上腺皮质激素的副作用除外()
A. 降低机体免疫力 B. 促进骨骼生长 C. 影响蛋白质代谢 D. 影响脂肪代谢 E. 影响糖代谢 [单项选择]()阶段价值观和人生观开始萌芽。
A. 小学低年级 B. 小学高年级 C. 初中 D. 高中 [判断题]铁路运输调度规则规定:动车组列车使用引导信号接、发车时须发布调度命令。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交