Landing a Job of the Future Takes a Two-Track
Mind If you’re gearing up for a job search now as an undergraduate or returning student, there are several bright spots where new jobs and promising career paths are expected to emerge in the next few years. Technology, health care and education will continue to be hot job sectors, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ outlook for job growth between 2008 and 2018. But those and other fields will yield new opportunities, and even some tried-and-true fields will bring some new jobs that will combine a variety of skill sets. The degrees employers say they’ll most look for include finance, engineering and computer science, says Andrea Koncz, employment-information manager at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. But to land th A. Network related science. B. Risk management. C. Social media. D. Marketing. [单选题]有一块内阻为0.15Ω,最大量程为1A的电流表,先将它并联一个O.05Ω的电阻则这块电流表的量程将扩大为()。
A.3A B.4A C.2A D.6A [单项选择]关节屈曲畸形试验(Thomas征)表现为()
A. 平卧时,患髋屈曲 B. 屈髋时腰椎平直 C. 健侧屈髋至腰椎平直,患髋屈曲 D. 患侧屈髋至腰椎平直,健髋屈曲 E. 俯卧时臀部屈曲 [单选题]大众是聪明而挑剔的,对那些( )、故作高深的东西,那些( )、不着边际的东西,往往会表示“不感冒”而转头走开,讲空话、大话、套话、老话、重复话、累赘话,只会让生动活泼的理论变得( ),让富有内涵的理论显得胶柱鼓瑟。
A.弄虚作假、好高骛远、一潭死水 B.声张造势、天马行空、死气沉沉 C.故弄玄虚、不切实际、面目可憎 D.扭捏作态、徒有虚名、生吞活剥 [单项选择]Many newspapers printed the governor’s statement ()he would resign his position.
A. was that B. which C. that D. it [判断题]通常情况下,随着震中距越大,也就是离发生地震的地方越远,地面造成的损失越小。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]仅用于防火分隔的防火卷帘,火灾报警后,应直接下降至地面,并应向火灾报警控制器反馈信号。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交