W: Dr Huber, when did you first become interested in physics and music
M: I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in physics. When I was a child, I was very curious about the world around me. For example, I always wondered why light behaves the way it does. I found it more fun to play with a prism than to play with the kids in the neighborhood. I wasn’t very social, but I was really into figuring out how things worked. I got my own telescope when I was eight years old, and I loved to take it out at night and go star gazing. I would look at the planets and stars and wonder what was out there. When I was ten, my father bought me a book on the universe, and I just ate it up. In fact, I still have that book right here in my office.
It was the same with music. I’ve always had a natural ear for music, perfect pitch. Even as a young child, if I heard a song on the radio, I could go right to the piano and play it. When I heard a sound like
According to the U. S. National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) , car crashes are the leading cause of
death among children between 5 and 14 years of age. Says NHTSA: " (61)
50% of children who die in crashes are unrestrained. In addition, 4
out of 5 children are (62) restrained. " The NHTSA offers a number of safety (63) and cautions for those who are accompanied by children while driving. (64) laws vary from country to country and even from state to state, these guidelines may serve as food for (65) to many parents and guardians of children. The safest place for all children is in the back seat. Infants should be placed in a rear-facing A. shelf B. shield C. shuttle D. shell [单选题]案例中的企业应该()。
A.设置会计机构 B.在有关机构中设置会计人员并指定会计主管人员 C.委托批准设立从事会计代理记账业务的中介机构代理记账 D.可以不处理会计事务 [简答题]近年来,由国内民族分裂分子、国内外敌对势力和敌对分子所策划与实施的恐怖主义事 件呈现高发势头,给城市公共安全管理带来严峻挑战。2014 年 3 月 1 日,云南昆明火车站 发生了惨绝人寰的一幕。10 名统一着装的暴徒持刀冲进昆明火车站.逢人便砍,造成无辜平 民的重大伤亡。其中,29 人死亡,130 余人受伤,恐怖分子的行为令人发指。事件发生后, 各项部门积极应对,将恐怖分子击毙或抓.但此事件给市民造成了心理影响短时期内难以消 除,且这种心理影响具有较强的传染性。就在近日,四川成都等地相继发生了因为恐怖谣言 而集体逃离的事件,严重干扰了城市正常的生产和生活秩序.因此重塑城市公共安全应对机 制势在必行。
[单选题]列车在车站发生火灾或起火列车进站后,火灾事故应急处置由( )组织指挥。
A.运转车长 B.客运值班员 C.车站站长 D.外勤值班员 [多选题]下列正步的要领正确的是( )。
A.向正前方踢出约65厘米 B.腿要绷直 C.离地面约25厘米 D.脚尖下压 [多选题]轨道电路设备包括( )。
A.轨旁设备 B.补偿电容 C.钢轨绝缘 D.轨道连接线 E.扼流变压器 [简答题]按照《调度集中监控告警信息相关缺陷分类标准》,“UPS(逆变)装置故障”应( )。
[多选题]公平理论认为,当员工通过比较感到不公平时,用来恢复公平感的途径有( )。
A.改变对照者的投入或产出 B.改变参照对象 C.改变自我对投入或产出的知觉 D.停职或休假 E.改变自己的投入或产出 [判断题]单相220V电源供电的电气设备,应选用三极式漏电保护装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]创新是推动人类社会发展的第一动力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Who won the World Cup 1998 football game What happened at the United Nations How did the critics like the new play (1) an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets (2) the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to (3) the news. [判断题]人类社会在对付灾害袭击时,防灾、抗灾和救灾三者相辅相成。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]定居英国的美籍法国裔当事人路易斯在华要求与中国女子章某某结婚,关于婚姻条件的法律适用,以下说法正确的是:
A.适用中国法 B.适用英国法 C.适用法国法 D.对该中国女子适用中国法,对路易适用美国法 [判断题] 喉炎时易引起水肿的部位在声门下腔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.若田教授申请采用借据模式,且为按月付息到期还本,借据期限最长( )
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.5年 [填空题]城郊线电客车全自动车钩三级吸能方案的部件顺序()、压溃管,过载保护装置。
A.人工仓储技术阶段 B.机械化仓储技术阶段 C.集成自动化仓储技术阶段 D.自动化仓储技术阶段 [单项选择]公证机构受理公证申请后,除不可抗力外,出证的一般期限是()
A. 15个工作日 B. 30个工作日 C. 10个工作日 D. 60个工作日 [单项选择]土地资源论证结论包括项目建设用地的( )结论与国土资源行政主管部门对项目用地的预审意见等。
A. 合理性 B. 适宜性 C. 合规性 D. 补偿性 [多选题]线损管理中,( )是属供电部门的损失电量。
A.电力调度通信设施 B.电网调度自动化设施 C.电网运行控制设施 D.信息采集 [单选题]当EGT红色超值出现( )
A.指针读出数据和数据框变为红色 B.仅指针变为红色 C.模拟指示器弧形部分变为红色 [简答题]简述电解装置的开车步骤。
[单项选择]操作系统理论的基本思想是( )。
A. 存储程序控制 B. 多道程序设计 C. 分时处理 D. 批处理 [单选题]two.WhichtwoMySQLShellcommandsareexcludedfromtheInnoDBClustercreationprocedure?
A.cluster.addInstance(.#添加节点 B.dba.configureLocalInstance(.##持久化配置信息 C.dba.checkInstanceConfiguration(.##检查节点 D.cluster.setPrimaryInstance(.##设置主节点 E.dba.configureInstance(.##检查配置 F.dba.createCluster(.#创建集群 G.cluster.forceQuorumUsingPartitionOf(.#将集群从quorum丢失场景恢复到可操作状态。 [不定项选择题]与呼吸关系密切的两脏是( )。
A.肺与肾 B.肺与脾 C.肺与肝 D.肺与心 E.脾与肾 [单项选择]
A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than that is possible to learn in general history classes. Most (1) history courses concentrate on politics, economics, and war. (2) , art history (3) on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious (4) , emotions, and psychology. (5) , information about the daily activities of our own can be provided by art. In short, art expresses the (6) qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than what can be found in most history books. [判断题]根据《民用航空安全检查工作手册》第11条,民航安检机构设立的运行条件,应当符合《民用航空安全检查规则》第十条规定的要求,并通过民航局航空安保管理机构审查。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]断开双电源、多电源、分布式电源以及带有自备电源的客户的连接点开关后,应验明无电压。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交