16-20 If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that ply the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a fight on their hands. The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carried its one millionth passengers, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying ten million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there. From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each way between London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, A. the Eurostar train service is not doing good business B. the airlines can well compete with the railway C. the Eurostar train service only caused little damage D. only some airlines, such as Air France, arc suffering [单选题] 细菌堵塞主要是由于硫酸盐的还原菌繁殖后和菌体残骸堵塞地层( )。
A.厚度 B.饱和度 C.渗透率 D.孔隙 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage you have just heard
A. Kidney transplants are very common. B. Brain transplants are very common. C. Heart transplants are very common. D. Brain transplants are not common. [单项选择]肝牌不调可见()。
A. 腹胀便溏 B. 呕吐涎沫 C. 两者均有 D. 两者均无 [判断题]司机自身确认身体不适或无法驾驶列车时,优先使用800M告知行调,如无法利用800M告知行调,应通过其他联络方式告知行调;()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业、事业单位使用未取得相应资格的人员从事特种作业的,发生重大伤亡事故,处以三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《消防法》规定,()构应当按照各自职责加强对消防产品质量的监督检查。
A.地方政府 B.公安机关 C.消防救援机构 D.产品质量监督部门 E.工商行政管理部门 [简答题]在FM350-2中,工作号的作用是什么?
[判断题]辩护人都享有调查取证权。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]具有请购权的部门对于预算内采购项目,应当严格按照预算执行进度办理请购手续,并根据市场变化提出合理采购申请。对于超预算和预算外采购项目,应先履行()程序,由具备相应审批权限的部门或人员审批后,再行办理请购手续
A.预算核查 B.预算调整 C.费用增补 [多选题] 下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 煤气燃烧时,应当使用干粉灭火器及时扑灭 B.甲烷燃烧时,应当使用干粉灭火器及时扑灭 C.碳酸氢钠燃烧时,应当使用干粉灭火器及时扑灭 D.乙炔燃烧时,应当使用干粉灭火器及时扑灭 [多选题]现场防护员应根据( )等情况确定站位及移动路径,并做好自身防护。
A.作业现场地形条件 B.列车运行特点 C.驻站联络员安排 D.作业人员和机具布置 [填空题]正常情况下,当某档门出现故障后LCB打至( )位置可保证列车顺利进站出站。
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