For the first time in decades, doctors have begun making major changes in the treatment of lung cancer, based on research proving that chemotherapy can significantly lengthen life for many patients for whom it was previously thought to be useless.
The shift in care applies to about 50,000 people a year in the United States who have early cases of the most common form of the disease, non-small-cell lung cancer, and whose tumors are removed by surgery. (46) Many of these patients, who just a few years ago would have been treated with surgery alone, are now being given chemotherapy as well, just as it is routinely given after surgery for breast or colon (结肠)cancer. The new approach has brightened a picture that was often bleak.
"The benefit is at least as good, and maybe better than in the other cancers," said Dr. John Minna, a lung cancer expert and research director at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He said new disco
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