Successful businesses tend to continue
implementing the ideas that made them successful. But in a rapidly changing
world, ideas often become obsolete overnight. What worked in the past won’t
necessarily work in the future. In order to thrive in the future, you must
constantly create new ideas for every aspect of your business. In fact, you must
continually generate new ideas just to keep your head above water. Businesses
that aren’t creative about their future may not survive. Although Bill Gates is the richest, most successful man on the planet, he did not anticipate the Internet. Now he’s scrambling to catch up. If Bill Gates can miss a major aspect of his industry, it can happen to you in your industry. Your business needs to continually innovate and create its future. Gates is now constantly worried about the future of Mic A. constant reassessment of their situations B. reinvention C. 15% rule D. being around since 1902 [判断题]实名制充电卡客户可通过“e充电”网站申请开具发票,也可在营业网点申请开具发票。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]4、所谓终点误差是由于操作者终点判断失误或操作不熟练而引起的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当旅游者游湖时,有旅游者提出希望划小船,导游人员可以同意,但必须陪同前往。( )
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [单选题]关于膈神经的描述哪一项是错误的
A. 起自颈丛 B. 下行于前斜角肌前方 C. 经锁骨下动.静脉之间下行入胸腔 D. 越过肺根的前方沿心包的外侧下降入膈 E. 是运动性神经 [多选题]一级动火时,( )应始终在现场监护。
A.A-工区分管生产的领导或技术负责人(总工程师) B.B-消防(专职)人员 C.C-动火工作票签发人 D.D-工作许可人 [单项选择]“金猪宝宝”生育风带来的效应之一是“大肚经济”的一片红火:孕妇、婴儿用品销量大增,月薪高达两三千的月嫂需提前预约……,相关行业为之一振。这说明()
A. 市场调节具有盲目性和滞后性 B. 消费对生产具有巨大的反作用 C. 第三产业的发展可以扩大就业 D. 宏观调控并非时时都是必要的 [判断题]新闻工作者要维护采访报道对象的合法权益,尊重采访报道对象的正当要求,不揭个人隐私,不诽谤他人
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]拆挂母线时,应有防止钢丝绳和母线弹到邻近带电设备或母线上的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]转K6型转向架立柱磨耗板通过( )折头螺栓与侧架立柱紧固。
A.2个 B.4个 C.6个 D.8个 [单选题]1.一出生后4小时的新生儿,下列护理措施哪项是错误的
A.入室后了解Apgar评分情况 B.重度窒息者应重点护理 C.必须采取保暖措施 D.密切观察呼吸和面色 E.以仰卧位最好 我来回答: 提交