Doctors at Stanford University are
studying a medication they hope will alleviate the suffering of millions of
American women. But their target isn’t breast cancer, osteoporosis, or a
similarly well-known affliction. Despite its alarming impact on its victims, the
malady in question has received comparatively little medical scrutiny. It’s a
"hidden epidemic," according to the Stanford researchers: compulsive shopping
disorder. That’s right. What was once merely a punchline in television sitcoms is now being taken seriously by many clinicians. According to the Stanford study’s leader, Dr. Lorrin Koran, compulsive shopping is "motivated by ’irresistible’ impulses, characterized by spending that is excessive and inappropriate, has harmful consequences for the individual, and tends to be chronic and stereotyped." Compulsive shoppers " A. doctors at Stanford University are testing a new drug B. the consequences of compulsive shopping are minimal C. compulsive shopping disorder has not received enough attention from the medical community D. unlike breast cancer or osteoporosis, compulsive shopping disorder defies treatment 热门试题:[单选题]在胆固醇代谢中胆固醇要和必需脂肪酸结合才能正常代谢否则
与饱和脂肪酸结合沉积在动脉形成动脉粥样硬化。该必需脂肪酸是( ) A.亚油酸 B.亚麻酸 C.花生四烯酸 D.二十二碳六烯酸 [判断题]电开水器E2修,检测电加热元件(含电源配线)对电开水器金属壳体(地)绝缘电阻值:注水后加热前不小于20 MΩ;出水阀出热水后,断电30 s内不小于2 MΩ。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]调车作业要准确掌握速度,接近被连挂的车辆时,不准超过5km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列可进行坐浴治疗的有( )
A.月经期 B.阴道出血 C.阴道炎 D.盆腔器官急性炎症 [单选题]既消食,又可用于治疗尿路结石的药物是
A.鸡内金 B.车前子 C.蒲黄 D.桃仁 E.山楂 [单项选择]
Tips to Increase Retail Sales Generate a Buzz--Whenever anything noteworthy happens within your business, send a press release to the media. The idea is to grab any free coverage possible. Get involved with community events. Consider purchasing and pricing products, be sure you’ve considered the cost of goods and that your retail shop is able to make a profit at that price point. Your product price should be competitive, but still profitable. Ultimately, the right price is the price the customer is willing to pay for the product. Design Store for Sales--Take advantage of cross-merchandising strategies and impulse sale opportunities. Use lighting techniques and creative displays to attract customers. Play videos for product education, hosting classes, meetings or other networking events in your retail store. Use a unique promotional event to generate a buzz about your business. Examine Your Pricing Strategy--When customer enterta [单项选择]I don’t want to talk about it now. I’m not in the ______.
A. feeling B. attitude C. emotion D. mood [判断题]井上下必须设置消防材料库。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]膳食中缺乏水和( )会诱发或加重便秘。
A.矿物质 B.硫酸软骨素 C.维生素 D.微量元素 [单选题]电力生产与电网运行应遵循()的原则。
A. 安全、稳定、优质 B. 安全、优质、经济 C. 稳定、优质、经济 D. 连续、优质、稳定 [判断题]发生生产安全事故,对负有责任的生产经营单位除要求其依法承担相应的赔偿等责任外,由安全生产监督管理部门依照下列规定处以罚款:发生生产安全事故,为一般事故的,处十万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 以下消防相关工作和活动,需要至少每半年进行一次的是( )
A. 非消防安全重点单位灭火和应急疏散预案演练 B. 消防安全重点单位灭火和应急疏散预案演练 C. 机关、团体、事业单位进行防火检查 D. 防安全重点单位对每名员工进行消防安全培训 [多选题]现场作业过程中,应提前观察周围应急逃生路线指示和()等,()进行和工作无关的作业。
A.地下通道 B.消防通道 C.不得 D.可以 [单选题]当上游压力小于多少 磅/平方英寸时,发动机引气活门完全关闭?
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [判断题]火落时焦并中心温度约为950~1000℃。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]凡进行营业线(邻近营业线)施工作业,必须提前()日以书面(电话)形式告知甲方,并在甲方安全监督(配合)人员在场的情况下,才能进行作业,否则对其行为所导致的一切安全问题负全责。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多项选择]订立保险合同的特有原则是( )。
A. 公司互利原则 B. 保险利益原则 C. 最大诚信原则 D. 协商一致原则 [单项选择]内存容量是指(),它在微机中通常以Byte为单位表示。
A. 内存储器的存储单元总数 B. 内存储器的存储单元的位数 C. 内存储器和运算器的传送位数 D. 允许存放程序的数量 [单选题]施工机具应有专用库房存放,库房要保持()、经常()。
A.整齐 通风 B.干燥 通风 C.干净 整齐 D.湿润 整洁 E./ F./ [单选题]安全生产的方针是( )。
A.A.安全是命、服务为本 B.B.安全、便捷、快速 C.C.安全第一、预防为主、综合治理 D.D.平平安安上班、高高兴兴回家 [单项选择]根据我国《劳动法》的规定,女职工生育享受不少于( )天的产假。
A. 80 B. 90 C. 105 D. 120 [单选题] 对于使用后的催泪喷射器的保养,下面做法正确的是( )。[1分]
A.密封保存 B.阴凉避风处保存 C.干燥低温处保存 D.干燥通风处保存 [名词解释]农业
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]甲公司为安东强开了一张人民币20万元的汇票,上面记载有如下内容:金额20万元。收款人为安东强,付款人为交通银行某支行,出票日期为2013年10月10日,没有记载付款日期。安东强背书转让给乙公司,乙公司为支付合同款,背书转让给李安,并记载“不得转让”字样,李安又背书转让给张方同,张方同怕有问题,要求李安找两个保证人,李安的好朋友李起与李广没有在票据上签保证字样,而是另行签订保证合同,并写明一旦银行拒付,各自承担
A. 李安将记载不得转让字样的票据背书转让给张方同,该背书转让有效 B. 张方同不享有票据权利 C. 乙公司对张方同不承担票据责任 D. 李安将记载“不得转让”字样的票据背书转让给张方同,该背书无效 [单项选择]()属于监控主体,它主要是以法律法规为依据,通过抓工程报建、施工图设计文件审查、施工许可、材料和设备准用、工程质量监督、重大工程竣工验收备案等主要环节进行的。
A. 工程监理单位 B. 勘察设计单位 C. 政府 D. 施工单位 [单选题]110608003
航行资料通报采用()方式发出。 A. AFTN 报 B. 印刷形式印发 C. 传真 D. SITA 报 [单项选择]男,35岁。入院诊断为扩张型心肌病,心功能Ⅳ级。心电图示心率96次/分,心房颤动。血清钾6.5mmol/L,血清钠130mmol/L。该患者不宜应用()
A. 硝普钠 B. 呋塞米(速尿) C. 螺内酯(安体舒通) D. 地高辛 E. 阿司匹林 [判断题]木桥枕通裂严重,影响共同受力,即为失效木桥枕。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 法定继承 B. 协商继承 C. 扶养继承 D. 推定继承 [多项选择]农发行给予授信额度的金融机构必须满足下列条件:()
A. 具备独立法人资格 B. 公司治理机制良好、股权结构清晰 C. 内部管理规范、内控制度严密 D. 近3年来未发生重大的违法违规行为、对外披露年报或经过审计的财务报告 E. 综合评分符合农发行内部授信的要求、配合农发行授信调查工作。 [单项选择]西施传说产生于()
A. 东晋 B. 南宋 C. 夏朝 D. 春秋末期 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Dangers Await Babies with Altitude
Women who live in the world's highest communities tend to give birth to underweight babies, a new study suggests.These babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokes. Research has hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighter than average.But it wasn't clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished—many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower down. To find out more,Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998 .The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities:La Paz and Santa Cruz.La Paz is the highest city in the world,at 3 .65 kilometers above sea level,while Santa Cruz is much lower,at 0 .44 kilometers. Sure enough,Giussani found that the average birthweight of babies in La Paz was significantly lower than in Santa Cruz.This was true in both high and low-income families.Even babies born to poor families in Santa Cruz were heavier on average than babies born to wealthy families in lofty La Paz.“We were very surprised by this result,”says Giussani. The results suggest that babies born at high altitude are deprived of oxygen before birth. “This may trigger the release or suppression of hormones that regulate growth of the unborn child,”says Giussani. His team also found that high-altitude babies tended to have relatively larger heads compared with their bodies.This is probably because a fetus starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to the rest of the body. Giussani wants to find out if such babies have a higher risk of disease in later life.People born in La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood,for example.Low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.And newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life. It can be learned from the last paragraph that______. A.high-altitude babies tend to have high blood pressure in their later life B.underweight babies have a shorter life span C.babies born to poor families lack certain hormones before birth D.newborns in wealthy families have larger heads compared with their bodies [单项选择]“伤寒、脉浮、自汗出,小便数、心烦、微恶寒、脚挛急,反与桂枝欲攻其表,此误也。得之便厥,咽中干、烦躁吐逆者”,应取下列何种治法为好:()。
A. 温复阳气 B. 滋养阴液 C. 先复阳,后复阴 D. 先救阴,后扶阳 E. 阴阳兼顾 [填空题]国家鼓励和支持( )在海上交通安全工作中的应用,促进海上交通安全现代化建设,提高海上交通安全科学技术水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]GIS的外壳是气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备的部件,它保持处于规定条件下的绝缘气体以安全地维持要求的绝缘水平,保护设备免受外部影响但不能对人员提供安全防护。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交