某百货商场系一般纳税人,设立三个业务部:批发部、零售部和宾馆,该商场能正确核算各自的收入。2009年9月发生下列业务: (1)从小规模纳税人企业购进自产农产品,普通发票上注明的价款55800元; (2)购进一辆自用的小轿车,汽车价款185000元,货款已经支付,取得汽车销售专业发票; (3)商场本月从一般纳税人企业购进商品取得的增值税专用发票上注明的增值税款为215320元,支付运费9600元(运费发票符合抵扣规定),购进商品货款均已支付并已验收入库; (4)该商场批发部本月批发商品取得不含税收入800000元,其中包括销售化妆品不含税收入94000元,销售棕榈油15000元,鸭蛋79000元,其余为其他商品,按合同约定销售商品应由商场承担的运费支出9690元,取得国有运输企业开具的运费发票,货款已经收到,运费已经支付; (5)该商场向消费者销售电器和化妆品取得零售收人1053000元(其中销售化妆品取得收入67860元); (6)本月该公司取得电费专用发票,注明增值税为12900万元。(上述取得的符合规定的税控发票均通过认证) 根据上述资料回答下列问题: |
The network layer provides services to the transport layer.It can be based on either (71) .In both cases,its main job is (72) packets from the source to the destination.
In network layer,subnets can easily become congested,increasing the delay and (73) .
for packets.Network designers attempt to avoid congestion by proper design.Techniques include (74) policy,caching,flowcontrol,and more.
The next step beyond just dealing with congestion is to actually try to achieve a promised quality of service.The methods that can be used for this include buffering at the client,traffic shaping,resource (75) ,and admission control.Approaches that have been designed for good quality of service include integrated services(including RSVP) ,differentiated services, and MPLS.
The history of African—Americans during
the past 400 years is traditionally narrated (41) an ongoing
straggle against (42) and indifference on the part of the
American mainstream, and a struggle (43) as an upward
movement is (44) toward ever more justice and
opportunity. Technology in and of (45) is not at fault; it’s much too simple to say that gunpowder or agricultural machinery or fiber optics (46) been the enemy of an (47) group of people. A certain machine is put (48) work in a certain w A. entirely B. enter C. entire D. entrance [判断题]发动机怠速运转,踩下离合器,停顿5-7秒,打开取力器开关,缓慢松开离合器,使水泵低速运转。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 消防人员在有毒区域内作战,如果缺乏有效的防毒措施,有毒物质会通过呼吸道、皮肤和消化器官侵入体内造成中毒。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
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