Monochronic time (M-time) and
polychronic time (P-time) represent two variant solutions to the use of both
time and space as organizing frames for activities. Space is included because
the two systems (time and space) are functionally interrelated. M-time
emphasizes schedules, segmentation, and promptness. P-time systems are
characterized by several things happening at once. They stress involvement of
people and completion of transactions rather than adherence to preset schedules.
P-time is treated as much less tangible than M-time. P-time is apt to be
considered a point rather than a ribbon or a road, and that point is
sacred. Americans overseas are psychologically stressed in many ways when confronted by P-time systems such as those in Latin America and the Middle East. In the markets and stores of Mediterranean countries, one i A. being late is a custom to show importance B. things are often changing until the last minute C. they don’t have plans for the future at all D. they are too busy to be punctual [填空题]烟笼寒水月笼沙,()。(《泊秦淮》)
A. 生产地点、生产地块环境、前茬作物 B. 亲本种子来源和质量 C. 技术负责人、田间检验记录、产地气象记录 D. 种子流向 [单选题]下列属于警报信号使用时机的是( )
A.调试列车在正线或工程车起动时 B.天气不良时 C.发现线路有危及行车安全的不良处所时 D.紧急情况下,需要时 [判断题]开关置数封锁操作会对拓扑着色产生影响。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《Q/GDW1168-2013输变电设备状态检修试验规程》规定,下面哪些属于干式变压器、电抗器和消弧线圈巡检项目( )。
A.绕组温度 B.接地装置 C.声响及振动 D.外观检查 [单选题]党员通过信息网络.广播.电视.报刊.书籍.讲座.论坛.报告会.座谈会等方式,公开发表坚持资产阶级自由化立场.反对四项基本原则,反对党的改革开放决策的文章.演说.宣言.声明的,应当给予什么处分?( )
A.警告 B.严重警告 C.留党察看 D.开除党籍处分 [单选题]张某对某市国税局的行政处罚决定不服,复议机关应该是( )。
A.某市国税局 B.某市人民政府 C.某省人民政府 D.某省国税局 我来回答: 提交