To be a good teacher, you need some of
the gifts of a good actor, you must be able to hold the attention and interest
of your audience; you must be a clever speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing
voice which is fully under your control and you must be able to hold what you
are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. The fact that a good teaches’
has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn’t mean that he/rill indeed be able
to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the
teacher’s work and the actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt
by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain
part, even his movements and the ways in which he Uses his voice are usually
fixed beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words
and actions seem natural on the A. be a good actor B. work in the same way as the actor C. learn something from a good actor D. play his role regardless of the reaction of his audience [多项选择]行政处罚的程序包括( )。
A. 特别程序 B. 一般程序 C. 简易程序 D. 裁决程序 E. 听证程序 [单选题]电缆耐压试验分相进行时,另两相电缆应()。
A.可靠接地 B.用安全围栏与被试相电缆隔开 C.用绝缘挡板与被试相电缆隔开 D.短接 [判断题]全心全意为人民服务,是我们党一切行动的根本出发点和落脚点,是我们党区别于其他一切政党的根本标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从公平的角度出发,对于大资金客户和小资金客户,证券经纪商应当一视同仁,即推 荐相同的产品或者服务。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当工件加工精度较高时宜选用( )。
A.长锉 B.短锉 C.粗锉 D.细锉 [多选题]电气试验,使用电压互感器进行工作时,应先将低压侧所有接线接好,然后用绝缘工具将电压互感器接到高压侧。工作时应(),并应有专人监护。
A. A.戴手套 B.B.戴护目眼镜 C.C.站在绝缘垫 D.D.穿防电弧服 [多项选择]斜孔中心线倾斜度的检测方法主要有()。
A. 用工艺孔检测 B. 用标准圆柱检测 C. 在坐标镗床上检测 D. 用正弦规检测 E. 用量棒找正检测 F. 用甲板直尺检测 [单项选择]控制棒是操纵反应堆、保证其安全的重要部件,它是由能()的材料制成,主要的材料有()。
A. 强烈吸收中子硼和镉 B. 慢化中子镍和铬 C. 屏蔽中子铅和钢 [判断题]钢球磨煤机大瓦冷却水室和冷油器需作水压试验,试验压力为工作压力的1.25倍,5min不漏。
[单选题]某市安全生产监督管理部门在检查中发现,某公司5 名专门从事高处作业的人员未取得特种作业人员操作证。依据《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》应当给予该公司的处罚为()。
A.给予警告,可以处1 万元以上的罚款 B.给予警告,可以处1 万元以下的罚款 C.责令限期改正,可以处5 万元以上的罚款 D.责令限期改正,可以处5 万元以下的罚款 [单选题]绝缘部件清扫周期1000米以上的长大隧道( )。
A.半年 B.1年 C.2年 D.3年 [多选题]信息设备变更用途或下线,应( )。
A.擦除数据 B.销毁数据 C.重装系统 D.立即关机 我来回答: 提交