I rise in the east. I send my light
into your room, and tell you it is time to get up. I send my light here and
there. I shine on the trees, the houses, the hills and the water; and I make
everything look beautiful. I give you light and heat. I make the fruit and rice
ripe. I am high up in the sky. Sometimes I hide my face behind a thin cloud, and
then you may look at me. I travel in the sky. I never stop, and I am never
tired. But in fact it is the earth that is traveling all the time. The earth is big. It is a big, round ball. There are rocks on the earth. There is soil on the earth. There is water on the earth. See the people on the earth. Do the people fall off Jump. You come down to the earth. Jump up again. You always come down to the earth. Snow comes down. Leaves come down. Rain comes down. The ball comes down. The earth pulls everything dow [单选题]烧伤休克期补液时,调节补液量及速度的指标不包括
A.尿量 B.血PH和CO2CP,血细胞比容 C.自觉症状,有无口干、烦躁 D.心率、血压、中心静脉压 E.末梢循环,甲床毛细血管充血反应 [单选题]以下为非必需氨基酸的是
A. 色氨酸 B. 苏氨酸 C. 蛋氨酸 D. 精氨酸 E. 赖氨酸 [单项选择]Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of originality, is the step in learning to be ______.
A. elegant B. confident C. creative D. imaginary [多选题]出现()下列情况之一,厅堂员工考核不合格?
A.出现业绩数据弄虚作假经查实的 B.严重违反职业道德或本行业务办理流程,违规办理业务给本行造成经济损失的 C.发生重大舆论事件,有损本行声誉的 D.违反监管机构或我行相关规定,被稽核责追记过及以上的 [单项选择]足月儿病理性黄疸的特点,除哪项外()。
A. 黄疸于生后24小时后出现 B. 黄疸持续超过2周 C. 黄疸消退后又再出现 D. 血清胆红素>205μmol/L E. 结合胆红素>25μmol/L [多选题]行政机关作出( )等行政处罚决定之前,应当告知当事人有要求举行听证的权利;当事人要求听证的,行政机关应当组织听证。
A.责令停产停业 B.吊销许可证或者执照 C.较大数额罚款 D.行政拘留 [单项选择]()是帮助管理团队成员开展季度谈话的辅助工具,指导管理团队成员明确谈话内容和方向,同时记录谈话要点,为后续跟进提供依据。
A. 《及时指导记录表》 B. 《季度谈话记录表》 C. 《指导建议书》 D. 《季度谈话落实表》 [填空题]非封锁时段因作业需要必须横越正线的,专业系统应明确< >。
[单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第7. 3. 6条规定:雨雪天气时不应使用常规验电器进行室外直接验电,可采用( )验电。
A.电容型验电器 B.雨雪型验电器 C.普通型验电器 D.低压验电器 我来回答: 提交