Portable devices are becoming lighter and more appealing. Books are being (1) into digital form by the thousands. The most important (2) forward may be in "digital ink," the technology used for (3) letters on a screen. A small company called E Ink has created a method for (4) tiny black and white capsules into words and (5) with an electronic charge. Because no power is used (6) the reader changes the page, devices with the technology could go (7) 20 books between battery charges. The text also looks just as (8) as ink on a printed page.
Sony is the first major player to take (9) of the technology. This year. it will market the Sony Reader, which uses E Ink and closely (10) the size, weight, and (11) of a book. The Reader will sell (12) about $ 400. Sony also will offer roughly 10,000 book (13) for download from its online store, (14) news stones.
Other play
A. clear
B. obvious
C. sharp
D. acute
In 1995 about 700,000 robots were
operating in the industrialized world. Over 500,000 were used in Japan, about
120,000 in Western Europe, and about 2,000 in the United States. Many robot
applications are for tasks that are either dangerous or unpleasant for human
beings. In medical laboratories, robots handle potentially hazardous materials,
such as blood or urine samples. In other cases, robots are used in repetitive,
monotonous tasks in which human performance might degrade over time. Robots can
perform these repetitive, high-precision operations 24 hours a day without
fatigue. A major user of robots is the automobile industry. General Motors
Corporation uses approximately 16,000 robots for tasks such as spot welding,
painting, machine loading, parts transfer, and assembly. Assembly is one of the
fastest A. robots can be used in many fields B. what jobs robots can do C. robots’ activities D. human being’s partner—robots [简答题]用Excel2000按下列要求建立数据表格和图表,具体要求如下。
(1)请将下列某高校对4位学生的沦文情况在全校展开调查的数据建成一个数据表 (存放在A1:C5的区域内),并计算出“优秀支持率”(保留小数点后面两位),其计算公式是:优秀支持率二认为优秀的人数/认为优秀的人数的总和。 学生 认为优秀的人数 优秀支持率 Tom 8765 Rose 6543 Jack 2456 Jim 16342 (2)对建立的数据表选择“学生”、“认为优秀的人数”、“优秀支持率”3列数据建立柱形棱锥图,图表标题为“论文评选调查图”,并将其嵌入到工作表的A7:D17区域中。 (3)将工作表Sheetl命名为“论文调查表”,并保存文件名为EX05.xls。 [单选题]橡胶风档外观检查,胶囊破损超过_______mm时更换,不超过时可在其内部用氯氢胶贴补,胶囊安装螺栓松动时紧固。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单选题]患儿女,4个月,因惊厥5分钟来院就诊,患儿牛乳喂养,未添加辅食。1日来好哭闹,流涕,无发热.咳嗽.吐泻。查体.T37.8℃,双眼凝视,面肌颤动,面色发绀,四肢抖动,双肺有痰鸣,心腹(—),前囟平软2㎝×2㎝,脑膜刺激征(—),枕部有乒乓球感。患儿的初步诊断是
A.高热惊厥 B.癫痫 C.维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症 D.化脓性脑膜炎 E.颅内出血 [单选题]装卸载军用危险货物,( )应当及时到现场指导装卸载作业,并检查装卸载状态。
A.车站货运人员 B.货运主任 C.铁路局主管人员 D.部队负责人 [简答题]†年3月20日,南京开往怀化的K11次列车(经停芜湖、宣城、贵溪、潭岗、醴陵、株洲、娄底,新空),宣城开车后查票发现一旅客持南京至株洲客快速硬座学生票一张,学生证优惠区间南京—醴陵,现要求使用卧铺至到站,硬卧6车4组下空余,携带背包一个21.3KG(内有调和漆1KG),摄影三脚架一套 (130CM*20CM*20CM,重4.8KG),请处理。
[多选题] 我行按揭项目调查准入,由贷款经办行负责,调查人员应要求开发企业提供项目基本资料,掌握开发企业按揭项目主要情况,以下属于期房项目应提供的资料有:
A.项目立项批文 B.建设用地规划许可证 C.国有土地使用证 D.项目竣工验收证明 [简答题]简述雪尼尔线的特点。
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