The farmers and bad debts have become
synonymous. Little wonder then that a bank that carries a third of all loans to
America’s farmers is in trouble. But when that bank’s total debt is $ 60
billion, more than half the size of Brazil’s, and its losses over the past two
years, at $ 4.8 billion, exceed anything in American banking history, the
problem becomes political as well as financial. Congress began this week to
discuss a bill to rescue the Farm Credit System. The Farm Credit System is not strictly a bank. It is a peculiar animal, a federation of 37 banks (three in each of 12 regions and one to sell bonds to Wall Street) containing 387 lending associations, owned by the farmers who borrow from them. It was set up by the federal government in the early years of the century to give farmers an alternative source of credit to the banks, but has long A. (A) The system appealed to sharing capital between its banks. B. (B) The system wanted to defer the loss. C. (C) The system might require money. D. (D) The system demanded changes in its operation. [多选题]各级机构应以()为基础,设置风险预警线,针对辖内征信业务存在的隐患和暴露出的各类安全问题,建立相应的预防预警机制,并加强跟踪、监测,有效预防突发事件发生。
A.信贷系统 B.征信查询系统 C.征信查询前置系统 D.综合系统 [单项选择]四神丸的功用是()。
A. 涩肠固脱,温补脾肾 B. 温补脾肾,固肠止泻 C. 温中涩肠,益气固脱 D. 健脾益气,渗湿止泻 E. 补气健脾,涩肠止泻 [单选题]步进电机旋转角度与哪个参数有关 ?( )
A.脉冲数量 B.脉冲频率 C.电压 D.脉冲占空比 [判断题] 在职业病目录中,职业性哮喘属于生物因素所致职业病。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]直接外销订制品入库后,需配合结关()交运。
A. 定期 B. 周期 C. 日期 D. 时间 [多选题]下列关于人民警察在办理治安案件中的回避制度,说法正确的有∶
A.办案人民警察有权自行提出回避申请 B.办案人民警察的回避,由公安机关负责人决定 C.公安机关负责人的回避,由同级人民检察院检察委员会决定 D.当事人及其法定代理人要求办案人民警察回避的,既可以书面提出申请,也可以口头提出申请 [单选题] 禁止作业人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置,若需变更,应由工作负责人征得( )同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。
A. 工作许可人或专责监护 B. 工作许可人或小组负责人 C. 工作票签发人或专责监护人 D. 工作票签发人或工作许可人 [单选题]从办公终端安全角度考虑,以下哪个是正确的( )?
A.将自己的账号口令借给他人使用 B.离开办公室时,锁定计算机屏幕或关机 C.把用户名和口令信息记录在纸张上 D.把工作的涉密信息刻录成光盘 [单项选择]一般发动机防喘措施有().
A. 中间级放气 B. 调预旋(调静子叶片) C. 双转子或三转子 D. 以上的正确 [填空题]1949年12月第一届全国公安会议,制定《整顿各级人民公安武装力量的方案》,决定建立( ),以加强各地的社会治安工作。
[单项选择]A good way of learning to make the sound of a new language is to use recordings which have paused after each sentence giving you time to say what have learnt before the next sentence comes.
[多选题]陈某向县市场监管局申请营业执照,根据县市场 监管局在办公场所公示的要求提交了相应的申请材料,但是县市场监管局要求在此之外,另外还要提供其家庭员及其各自收入情况等情况的材料,并向其收取申请文书示范文本费用 200 元。陈某根据要求提供了上述材料并缴纳了示范文本的费用。县市场监管局承诺在受理申请后 15 天内作出答复。但由于经办人出差,县市场监管局在受理申请后第 30 天才以口头形式作出了不予颁发营业执照的决定。县市场监管局在此受理申请过程中作出了违反行政许可法的行政行 为是( )。
A.县市场监管局要求陈某在公示所需材料之外另外提 供其家庭成员及其各自收入情况等情况的材料 B.县市场监管局向陈某收取申请文书示范文本的费用 200 元 C.县市场监管局在受理申请后的第 30 天才作出不予颁发营业执照的决定 D.县市场监管局的口头作出不予颁发行政许可的决定 [单项选择]The world"s greatest snow-capped peaks, which run in a chain from the Himalayas to Tian Shah
the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, have lost no ice
the last decade, new research shows.
The discovery has stunned scientists, who
that around 50bn tons of meltwater
each year and not being replaced by new snowfall.
The study is the first to survey all the world"s icecaps and glaciers and was made
by the use of satellite data. Overall, the contribution of melting ice outside the two largest caps— Greenland and Antarctica—is much
than previously estimated, with the lack of ice loss in the Himalayas and the other high peaks of Asia
most of the discrepancy.
Bristol University glaciologist Prof Jonathan Bamber, who was not part of the research team, said, "The very unexpected result was the negligible mass loss from high mountain Asia which is not
different from zero. "
The melting of Himalayan glaciers caused
in 2009 when a report from the UN"s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change mistakenly stated that they would disappear by 2035, instead of 2350.
, the scientist who led the new work is clear that while greater uncertainty has been discovered in Asia"s highest mountains, the melting of ice caps and glaciers around the world
a serious concern.
"Our results and those of everyone else show we are losing a huge amount of water into the oceans every year," said Prof John Wahr of the University of Colorado. "People should be just as worried about the melting of the world"s ice as they were before. "
His team"s study, published in the journal Nature, concludes that between 443-629bn tons of meltwater overall are added to the world"s oceans each year. This is
sea level by about 1.5mm a year, the team reports,
the 2mm a year caused by expansion of the warming ocean.
The scientists are careful to point out that lower-altitude glaciers in the Asian mountain ranges—sometimes dubbed the "third pole" —are
melting. Satellite images and reports confirm this. But over the study period, enough ice was added to the peaks to
A. Besides B. Furthermore C. Despite D. However [单选题]肺痨的病程发展演变中,易受损的脏腑是( )。
A.肺、脾、肾 B.肺、心、肾 C.肺、心、肝 D.肺、心、脾 E.肺、肝、肾 [单选题]汽车式起重机行驶时,上车操作室不得坐人。
A.正确; B.错误; [单选题]市县公司营销部负责开展保护和自动装置整定情况()检查,检查客户内部主要电气设备是否按照整定单设置定值、继电保护装置是否正常运行。
A.特殊 B.专项 C.不定期 D.定期 E./ F./ G./ H./ [简答题]石灰岩样品中裂缝视倾角为70度,裂缝类别为立缝。
A. 肾实质挫裂伤 B. 保守治疗过程中出现血尿 C. 血尿加重伴血压下降 D. 血尿仍存在,血压上升 E. 腰部痛性包块 [多选题]井下采掘机械设备常用电压等级有( )。
A.1140V B.660V C.3300V D.380V [多选题]班组作业管理包括(____)、班
A.班组目标管理 B.班组生产管理 C.班组技术管理 D.班组安全管理 [判断题]我国在煤矿安全管理工作中,坚持“谁投资、谁受益、谁负责安全”的原则。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列有关注射剂的叙述哪条是错误的()
A. 注射剂系指经皮肤或黏膜注入体内的药物无菌制剂 B. 注射剂按分散系统可分为溶液型、混悬型、乳浊型和注射用无菌粉末4类 C. 配制注射液用的溶剂是蒸馏水,应符合《药典》蒸馏水的质量标准 D. 注射液都应达到《药典》规定的无菌检查要求 E. 注射剂车间设计要符合GMP的要求 [单选题]进行心脏挤压时,应用( )放在按压位置。
A.手掌掌根部位 B.手背面 C.手掌指端部位 [判断题]外服卡适用于需要进出车站的生产厂家驻点人员、委外维保人员及合作单位等
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]碧螺春产自 。
A.湖南君山 B.江苏吴县太湖的洞庭山 C.杭州西湖 D.福建安溪 [单选题]《铁路技术管理规程》(高速铁路部分)中规定.接触网最低工作电压为( ) kV。(1分)
A.19 B.20 C.25 D.27.5 [单项选择]测定乳品样品中的糖类,需在样品提取液中加醋酸铅溶液,其作用是()
A. 沉淀蛋白质 B. 脱脂 C. 沉淀糖类 D. 除矿物质 [多选题] 我国《国家赔偿法》关于时效的规定有()。
A. 一般时效 B. 时效的延长 C. 时效的中断 D. 时效的中止 [单选题]䀔.(298376)音频各站回线衰耗一个区段≤( )。(1.0分)
A.A、15dB B.B、14dB C.C、12dB D.D、10dB [单选题]变配电所新安装的二次接线回路,应测量( )的绝缘电阻。
A.导线对地 B.缆芯间 C.相邻导线间 D.以上三者 [单选题]关于子宫位置的正确说法是
A.为腹膜外位器官 B.位于膀胱和直肠之间 C.外形可分为子宫体和子宫颈 D.其长轴呈垂直位 我来回答: 提交