Many people wrongly believe that when
people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left
in the {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of strangers .for the rest of their lives. Their
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} children visit them only occasionally, but more often,
they do not have any {{U}} (69) {{/U}} visitors. The truth is that this
idea is an unfortunate myth--an {{U}} (70) {{/U}} story. In fact, family
members provide over 80 percent of the care {{U}} (71) {{/U}} elderly
people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied {{U}} (72) {{/U}} the
American family is changing. He reported that by the time the {{U}} (73)
{{/U}} American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than
children. {{U}} (74) {{/U}}, because people today live longer after an
illness than people did years {{U}} (75) {{/U}}, family members must
provid A. involved B. included C. excluded D. considered [多选题]党中央提出“十一五”时期特别需要注意正确处理好的几大关系包括 ( )
A.发展速度和经济效益的关系 B.中央和地方的关系 C.市场机制和宏观调控的关系 D.经济发展和社会发展的关系 E.内需和外需的关系 [多选题]监控事故信息是需实时监控、立即处置的重要信息。主要包括()。
A.各类保护、安全自动装置动作出口信息 B.开关异常变位信息 C.自动化、通讯设备告警信息 D.单元事故信息 [单选题]密接式钩缓装置的车钩纵向平均连挂间隙为( )。
A.≤1.5mm B.≥1.5mm C.≤2mm D.≥2mm [简答题]捣固扒砟深度视起到量而定,不起道捣固时,一般扒至轨枕底以下( )
A. 警告 B. 严重警告 C. 记过 D. 记大过 E. 降级 [单项选择]女性骨盆平面特征恰当的是()
A. 入口平面呈纵椭圆形 B. 出口平面在同一平面上 C. 中骨盆平面呈纵椭圆形 D. 中骨盆平面后方为尾骨尖 E. 出口平面近似圆形 我来回答: 提交