Industrial psychology is the application of various
psychological techniques to the se-lection and training of industrial workers
and to the promotion of efficient working condi-tions and techniques, as well as
individual job satisfaction. The selection of workers for particular jobs is essentially a problem of discovering the special aptitudes and techniques, and personality characteristics needed for the job and of devising tests to determine whether candidates ha A. working efficiency that leads to the highest output B. the working skills and the working environment C. the techniques leading to the highest productivity D. the use of workers to get the greatest profit [单选题]A-B-D-004 5 2 4
计算机网络最突出的优点是( )。 A.共享硬件、软件和数据资源 B.运算速度快 C.可以互相通信 D.内存容量大 [单选题]列检作业场发现( )可以摘车送站修作业场或车辆段施修
A.闸瓦折断 B.闸瓦插销丢失 C.制动缸后盖堵丢失 D.罐车卡带折断 [单选题]正常情况下,车控室的工作人员不能超过( )人,并按规定穿着(穿工衣要佩带整齐)做到文明办公。
A.5 B.3 C.2 D.4 [填空题]正压式空气呼吸器应( )在易于取用的地点:应有醒目标志,且清洁、卫生、阴凉、干燥,免受污染和碰撞。[每空1分]
[单选题] 国家电网客服热线是( )。
A. 95533 B. 95598 C. 95588 D. 95599 [单项选择]下列叙述中不属于视诊观察内容的是()
A. 动物皮下脂肪的蓄积程度,肌肉的丰满程度 B. 动物的精神状态及活动情况 C. 动物体表皮肤及被毛的状态 D. 动物粪便及尿液的多少、性状和混有物的情况 E. 动物体温的高低情况 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于内分泌腺()。
A. 唾液腺 B. 肾上腺 C. 甲状腺 D. 垂体 E. 甲状旁腺 [单项选择]大站交流电源屏可输出的六种电源中,不包括()。
A. 信号点灯电源 B. 轨道电路电源 C. 道岔表示电源 D. 动态电源 [单选题]当商品价格制定得较低时,企业的资金周转速度将( )
A.加快 B.延缓 C.不变 D.停滞 [单选题]不属于我国社会主义医德基本原则内容的一项是
A.中西医并重 B.防病治病 C.救死扶伤 D.实行社会主义人道主义 E.全心全意为人民身心健康服务 [单选题]“气之主”是指.
A.心 B.肝 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾 [单项选择]牙槽骨修整适应时间在拔牙后
A. 1周 B. 2周 C. 3周 D. 1月 E. 2~3月 [单选题]590. 生产现场起重、高空作业常用的辅助用具棕绳是由( )编制而成的。
A.麻丝 B.铝丝 C.铁丝 D.钢丝 [单选题]缩短投资回收期可以( )资金的使用效率,( )投资风险。
A.提高;降低 B.降低;提高 C.提高;提高 D.降低;降低 [简答题]
Having Kids Makes You Happy When I was growing up, our former neighbors, whom we’ll call the Sloans, were the only couple on the block without kids. It wasn’t that they couldn’t have children; according to Mr.Sloan, they just chose not to. All the other parents, including mine, thought it was odd-even tragic. So any bad luck that happened to the Sloans--the egging of their house one Halloween; the landslide(山崩) that sent their pool careering to the street below-was somehow attributed to that fateful decision they’d made so many years before. "Well," the other adults would say, "you know they never did have kids." Each time I visited the Sloans, I’d search for signs of insanity, misery or even regret in their super clean home, yet I never seemed to find any. From what I could tell, the Sloans were happy, maybe even happier than my parents, despite the fact that they were childless. My impressions may have been swayed b [单选题]保价费率不同的货物合并填记时,按其中( )的保价费率计算保价费。
A.最低 B.最高 C.平均 D.商定 [多选题]高处作业人员上下杆塔必须沿脚钉或爬梯攀登,必须正确使用(),水平移动时应正确使用水平拉锁或()。
A.连接器 B.攀登自锁器 C.安全网 D.势能吸收器 E.临时扶手 [单选题]高压验电前.验电器应先在有电设备上试验.确证验电器良好;无法在有电设备上试验时.可用()高压发生器等确证验电器良好。
A.工频 B.高频 C.中频 D.低频 E./ F./ [多选题]水泥库内积料不多,以下那些答案是正确的( )
A.水泥积料不多,从库底进入减压锥比较安全 B.人员进出减压锥可能被物料吞没,禁止进出减压锥 C.人员在减压锥,周边积料塌落,水泥粉可能从减压锥较小的出口快速出去,人员可能跌倒窒息 D.人员进入减压锥,周边积料塌落,减压锥内的人员是安全的 [多项选择]价格预测的要求包括( )。
A. 价格预测中要特别强调稳妥原则 B. 在市场经济条件下,供求关系是价格形成的主要影响因素 C. 应注意结合国际市场价格进行预测 D. 首先预测的是市场价格,产品的出厂价格=目标市场价格+运杂费 E. 价格预测的可靠程度既与采用的方法有关,也与历史数据的采集有关 [多项选择]下列不负刑事责任的是______。
A. 武大饮酒过量神志不清,暴打妻子致其重伤 B. 刘二见胡同里有一人强暴妇女,于是拿砖头将其打昏,事后鉴定为重伤 C. 张三15岁,盗窃珠宝店财物价值20余万元 D. 李四精神病发作砍死其父 我来回答: 提交