Mother Knows Best {{/B}} Once while being prepped (准备) for a television interview, I was chatting with the host about stay-at-home fathers. I made the point that one reason we’re seeing more stay-at-home dads may be that it’s no longer a given (假定的事实) that a man makes more money than his wife. Many families now take earning power into account when deciding which parent will stay home. At that point, one of the male crew members commented, almost to himself but loud enough for my benefit, "It should be the better parent who stays home." A lot of guys say things like that. Usually it’s a code for, "My wife (read: any woman) is the better parent." I was a stay-at-home father for eight years, so his declaration made me bristle (激动). It implied that our family’s choice could A. Men like staying at home. B. The author works at a TV station, C. In more and more families the wife is earning more than the husband, D. The husband is the better parent. [单选题]一农民在水田中劳动,7日后突然高热、头痛,排肠肌酸痛,并有眼结膜充血,其后又出现黄疽,皮肤有出血点。你认为引起该病的病原体可能是( )。
A.甲型肝炎病毒 B.乙型肝炎病毒 C.斑疹伤寒立克次体 D.登革病毒 E.钩端螺旋体 [判断题]工作许可人、工作负责人对有触电危险、检修(施工)复杂容易发生事故的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和工作范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在对站场设备进行强度试验时升压应缓慢,达到试验压力后,应稳压()min。
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 [单项选择]全身性水肿伴重度蛋白尿见于
A. 肾源性水肿 B. 心源性水肿 C. 丝虫病 D. 药物性水肿 E. 特发性水肿 [单项选择]颌面部损伤患者出现脑脊液耳漏时,对下述哪类颅脑损伤具有诊断意义
A. 脑震荡 B. 脑挫裂伤 C. 硬膜外血肿 D. 颅前窝骨折 E. 颅中窝骨折 [判断题]降低离心泵的流量能缓解气缚现象的发生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女性,45岁,右上中切牙外伤,及时就诊。患牙冠折1/3露髓,X线片见牙根无异常。应选用的治疗是
A.直接盖髓 B.活髓切断 C.干髓术 D.根管治疗 E.塑化治疗 [单选题] 甲状腺位于
A. 喉咽的前方 B. 舌骨的前方 C. 第2—4颈椎前方 D. 第2—4气管软骨环前方 [判断题]客户侧低压验电前应先在低压有电部位上试验,以验证验电器或测电笔良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于食管癌早期表现的叙述错误的是
A.X线表现为黏膜皱襞增粗,迂曲如虚线样中断 B.早期即可表现为剧烈而持续的疼痛 C.可早期表现为背部疼痛 D.吞咽时食物滞留感 E.吞咽疼痛部位与病变一致 [多项选择]人工搬运钢轨方法有几种()。
A. 钢轨钳抬运 B. 用肩扛法抬运钢轨 C. 抓抱法抱运钢轨 D. 铁丝捆绑抬运 E. 多人抬运 [单选题]BCB003 4 1 4
在H2S浓度为800PPm至1000PPm的环境中停留( )分钟就会引起死亡。 A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 我来回答: 提交