运营指挥分为一级、二级两个指挥层级;二级服从一级指挥 |
各级指挥要根据各自职责任务独立开展工作,并服从 OCC 值班主任总体协调和指挥。 |
一级指挥为:行车调度、电力调度、环控调度、维修调度、信息调度 |
二级指挥为:环控调度、车站值班站长、车辆基地调度、DCC检修调度、维修分部调度 |
{{B}}Text{{/B}} Most radio and television stations in the United States are commercial stations,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}is to say, they earn their money from{{U}} (27) {{/U}}or commercials. Private companies purchase radio and television{{U}} (28) {{/U}}from the commercial stations in order to{{U}} (29) {{/U}}their products. Cable television stations are also{{U}} (30) {{/U}}stations, though they do not usually have advertisements.{{U}} (31) {{/U}}watch cable stations, people must pay the cable TV company a certain amount of money each{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. Public radio and television stations, on the{{U}} (33) {{/U}}hand, do not have advertisements and people do not have to{{U}} (34) {{/U}}to watch them. These stations gain their money{{U}} (35) {{/U}}the government, priva A. that B. this C. it D. which [判断题] 1949年10月1日中华人民共和国的成立标志着中国进入了社会主义社会。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]数据终端设备又称为(),数据电路端接设备又称为()。
A. DTE B. DCE C. DET D. MODEM [单选题]二重感染的主要原因是
A.机体免疫功能低下 B.广谱抗菌药物大量应用 C.慢性病诱发 D.介入治疗与各种导管应用 E.病原体变异 [单选题]中药处方中直接写药材的正名或炒制时,即付炒炭的是
A.麦芽 B.紫菀 C.艾叶 D.水蛭 E.桑叶 [单选题]货物贸易外汇收支企业名录为A类的企业,办理单笔等值五万美元(含)以下的退汇日期与原收、付款日期间隔在180天(不含)以上或由于特殊情况无法原路退汇的业务,金融机构需( )
A.审核《登记表》有效期限 B.对B类企业在货物贸易监测系统中做电子数据核查 C.为《登记表》中金融机构名称非我行名称的业务办理退汇 D.无需事前到外汇局办理登记,可直接在金融机构办理 [判断题]经营者以低于成本的价格销售鲜活商品,属于不正当竞争行为。( )
[单项选择]Which suggestion against theft is NOT included in the passage
A. Individuals taking small precautions like locking windows. B. Neighborhood and local communities working together to prevent big theft. C. Cars, houses and estates using anti-crime features. D. Government enforcing tougher laws against burglary. [单项选择]最早关于催眠的专业杂志出现于()。
A. 1786年 B. 1768年 C. 1876年 D. 1806年 E. 1856年 [单选题]四肢厥逆,恶寒蜷卧,神衰欲寐,面色苍白,腹痛下利,呕吐不渴,舌苔白滑,脉微细,应选用的方剂是
A.四逆汤 B.当归四逆汤 C.回阳救急汤 D.阳和汤 E.小建中汤 [单项选择]对犬进行腹腔注射时,应事先将药液加热至()
A. 25~26度 B. 30~32度 C. 35~37度 D. 37~38度 [单选题] 电流互感器二次侧阻抗增加时,其电流误差及角误差()
A.均增加 B.均减少 C.电流误差增加,角误差减小 D.电流误差,角误差增加 我来回答: 提交