When/Where accidents occurred |
Age 1-3 |
Age 4-6 |
Age 7-10 |
Age 11-14 |
Going to school |
1 |
11 |
7 |
1 |
Going home from school |
1 |
[填空题]FOCKE408条盒透明纸包装机喷胶嘴高压膜片老化开裂后,( ),喷胶量不稳定的故障
[多选题]对于人民群众和政府机关的矛盾要坚持( )。
A.民主集中制原则 B.克服官僚主义作风 C.加强对群众的教育 D.群众运动的方法 [单选题]在超高压线路下或设备附近站立或行走的人,往往会感到( )。
A.不舒服、电击 B.刺痛感、毛发耸立 C.电伤、精神紧张 D.电弧烧伤 [单选题]( )Foreign seamen are required to declare their foreign currency at the customs house on the left of the harbour gate
A.Foreign seamen should declare their foreign currency at the harbour gate B.Foreign seamen needn, t declare their foreign currency at the harbour gate C.Foreign seamen should declare their foreign currency at the customs house D.Foreign seamen needn’t declare their foreign currency at the customs house [判断题](3080)( )SRM80清筛车走行驱动液压系变量马达为A6VMl07HAIT型斜轴式变量马达,其额定压力和最高 压力分别为300bar、400bar;最小排量为30.8ml/r,最大排量107ml/r。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]电压互感器的基本误差有()
A.电压误差 B.电流误差 C.角度误差 D.频率误差 [单选题]带下色黄,质黏臭秽,多属
A.湿热下注 B.脾肾阳虚 C.寒湿下注 D.以上都不是 E.脾气虚弱 [单选题]1989年中国青少年发展基金会倡导并组织的资助贫困地区失学儿童重返校园的公益事业是()。
A.爱心工程 B.形象工程 C.希望工程 我来回答: 提交