Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday
celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November, and it is
most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, sailed to America on the Mayflower seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on an icy November morning. During their first winter over half of the settlers died of starvation, cold or epidemics. The following spring, the pilgrims were befriended by some native American Indians who taught them which of the wild vegetation was safe to eat. The Indians also showed them how to plant corn and other vegetables. All summer long the colony people waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their A. To avoid racial discrimination. B. To escape religious persecution. C. To keep up the British seafaring tradition. D. To start a adventurous journey. [单项选择]下列程序的输出结果是( )。
main( )
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A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 16 [单选题]给予员工解除劳动合同处分的,应征求( )意见。
A.直接上级 B.所属中心/办公室 C.公司领导 D.分公司工会 [单选题]《中华人民共和国教育法》第十条规定,国家扶持和发展( )。
A.老年人教育事业 B.残疾人教育事业 C.体育特长生 D.流动人员 [单选题] 对于部分跨越带电线路的档段,可在导线上采取(____)的措施,防止地线下落带电线路导线上。
A. 搭设跨越架 B. 安装限高标志 C. 封网防护 D. 装设警示绳 [单选题]螺杆泵主要用于稠油、( )、高含气井的开采。
A.高含水 B.含砂 C.低产井 D.高含硫井 [简答题]2011年,在甘肃兰州举行的国际赛事是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]炒花椒炒制的程度是()
A. 表面呈黄色 B. 呈油亮光泽 C. 有焦斑 D. 透出辛辣气味 E. 发泡鼓起 [单项选择]()一灯大师取过何部经书,给众人讲割肉喂鹰的故事?
A. 《楞严经》 B. 《法华经》 C. 《大庄严论经》 D. 《大孔雀经》 [多选题]毒性物质的分类有( )。
A.无机毒性物质 B.生物毒性物质 C.有机毒性物质 D.天然毒性物质 [单项选择]可以起消肿作用的硫酸镁的给药途径是()
A. SDA B. BP C. JP D. USP E. WHO [多项选择]按照房产税的有关规定,免征或暂不征收房产税的房产包括( )。
A. 铁道部所属铁路运输企业自用的房产 B. 因大修导致连续停用半年以上的房屋 C. 老年服务机构自用的房产 D. 为基建工地服务的各种临时性房屋 [单项选择]电影播放的速度为每秒()帧。
A. 25 B. 30 C. 24 D. 12 [判断题]螺柱焊焊接时,应保持焊枪与工件表面垂直。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是化学药物类减肥化妆品的主要成分。
A.木贼 B.芦荟 C.银杏 D.烟酸酯类 [单选题]反映左心功能的最重要的指标
A.BP B.CVP C.SVRI D.CO E.PAWP [判断题]电器的间断工作制是指电器通电时间很短,温升未达到稳定就停止工作,并且下一次工作要等到电器冷却到周围介质温度。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中华人民共和国证券投资基金法》的调整对象范围包括:证券投资基金管理人和托管人。( )
[单项选择]On vessels over 100 gross tons,whose responsibility is it to ensure that all able seamen in the vessel’s crew have the documents and qualifications required by law and regulation?()
A. Master of the vessel B. USCG Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection C. Owner or operator of the vessel D. Company's personnel director [多选题]附着式升降脚手架的升降操作应符合的规定,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.A、应按升降作业程序和操作规程规进行作业。 B.B、操作人员必须停留在架体上。 C.C、升降过程中不得有施工荷载。 D.D、所有妨碍升降的障碍物应已拆除。 E.E、操作人员必须有执业资格证 [多选题]岩石分类:( )
A.软石:部分用镐,挖部分用爆破挖掘的石质,如桦砂石粘性胶结特别密实的卵石软片石碎裂的石灰岩硬粘土质的片岩页岩和硬石膏等; B.坚石:全部用爆破或人工用大锤打的方法来挖掘的石质,如硬岩玄武岩花岗岩和石灰质砾岩等; C.软石:全部分用爆破挖掘的石质,如桦砂石粘性胶结特别密实的卵石软片石碎裂的石灰岩硬粘土质的片岩页岩和硬石膏等; D.坚石:全部用人工用大锤打的方法来挖掘的石质,如硬岩玄武岩花岗岩和石灰质砾岩等; [多选题] 无期徒刑是对犯罪分子( )的一种刑罚。( )
A.剥夺终身自由 B.强制其参加劳动生产 C.接受教育和矫正 D.剥夺其一切财产 [单选题]中国古代最大的百科全书是()。
A.《太平御览》 B.《永乐大典》 C.《山堂考索》 D.《太平广记》 [单选题]YZ一1型制动机109分配阀具有( )作用位置。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [单项选择]
Most boys, and many girls too, have at some time or other started a stamp collection. Stamp-collecting, or, to call it (21) its correct name, philately, (22) an increasing popular hobby from as (23) as 1854 -- for less than two decades (十年) after postage stamps (24) . Today the hobby numbers (25) are not only boys and girls, but also men and women from all ranks (阶层) in society. So rapidly (26) the interest in stamp-collecting increase in the United States of America (27) in 1921 the United States Post Office found itself (28) set up a special department to (29) the needs of collectors. At present the yearly (30) of this department total over three hundred thousand dollars. 23()A. number B. amount C. money D. sales 我来回答: 提交