The alligator (鳄鱼) was Mother’s fault.
She told me to buy something{{U}} (36) {{/U}}Mother, as usual, blames
me. She says that I’ve got more{{U}} (37) {{/U}}than brains. That’s not my little brother’s{{U}} (38) {{/U}}I’m envious of my younger brother, Bobby, because{{U}} (39) {{/U}}likes him. Last Christmas I gave him a pair of socks. Bobby was too stupid to understand the insult (侮辱).{{U}} (40) {{/U}}getting mad, he said to me, "They’re great and just what I{{U}} (41) {{/U}}". Mother had understood, though. So{{U}} (42) {{/U}}year, on Friday, the week before Bobby’s eighth birthday, she said, "Why can’t you{{U}} (43) {{/U}}your little brother Only a mean person buys a cheap pair of white cotton socks." Then she added, "I got{{U}} (44) {{/U}}when he was watching A. game B. talk C. music D. nature [单选题]卷筒壁磨损至原壁后的( )%时,卷筒应报废。
A.A、5 B.B、10 C.C、20 D.D、30 [单项选择]物业接管验收的首要条件是( )。
A. 全部施工完毕 B. 设备安装到位 C. 全部施工完毕、设备安装到位 D. 竣工验收合格、附属设备已完全正常使用 [判断题]立、撤杆时,除指定人员外,禁止基坑内有其他无关人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has been hired by a small local private school to develop a class library that will be used in an application named ManageAttendance for the purpose of managing student records.You are responsible for developing this class library. Certkiller .com has instructed you to create a collection in the application to store learners’ results. The school has informed you that they currently only have seven learners, but that this value will triple in the following year. Due to the limited resources, you need to ensure that the collection you create consumes a minimum amount of resources. What should you use to create the collection?()
A. The HybridDictionary collection class. B. The HashTable collection class. C. The ListDictionary collection class. D. The StringCollection collection class. [单选题]球墨铸铁中的石墨为( )
A.粒状 B.片状 C.球状 D.团絮状 [多选题]测试完成过程中,存档测试资产时,要处理的活动包括( )。
A.确定并适当保存以后可能使用的测试资产 B.建立监测活动以收集确定的测试测度 C.识别和存档可在其他项目上重复使用的测试资产 D.重用测试资产的可用性应记录在测试完成报告中并传达给利益相关方 E.按照测试计划的要求进行相关监控活动 [多选题]个人信贷业务中抵押人为法人或其他组织的,客户经理应收集的资料包括()
A.经年检的营业执照,组织机构代码证,税务登记证,公司章程等资料 B.法定代表人身份证明及签字样本,法定代表人授权委托书、委托代理人身份证明及签字样本 C.抵押物的权属证明 D.记载抵押物的名称、类型、数量、质量、性状、所在地以及是否已设定抵押等内容的抵押物书面说明 [判断题]行政机关在调查或者进行检查时,执法人员不得少于两人,并应当向当事人或者有关人员出示证件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]甲死亡时留有个人遗产平房6间、存款若干,其生前没有遗嘱。甲的遗产继承人包括患有精神病的妻子乙、成年的儿子丙、5岁女儿丁。因为,甲生前和妻子、女儿在农村生活,丙已独立并远在省城工作。甲兄戊帮助料理丧事后,将掌管在手的甲的遗产据为己有。丙知道后,认为戊的行为侵害了自己、母亲和妹妹的继承权。戊则认为,自己一直在照顾乙和丁的生活,再说,一个是精神病患者,一个是未成年人,他们也不明白什么叫遗产。下列说法正确的是哪些?______
A. 乙、丁的继承权可以由戊行使 B. 乙的继承权应由丙代为行使 C. 丁的继承权应由丙代为行使 D. 乙、丁是无行为能力人,无权行使继承权 [单项选择]会议纪要和答复函件形成招标文件的补充文件,都足招标文件的有效组成部分,与招标文件具有同等法律效力。当补充文件与招标文件内容不一致时,应以()为准。
A. 招标文件 B. 补充文件 C. 施工合同 D. 通用条款 [多选题]哪些高技能人才可直接申报评审正高级或副高级职称。( )
A.获得中华技能大奖、全国技术能手 B.担任国家级技能大师工作室带头人 C.享受省级以上政府特殊津贴的高技能人才 D.各省(区、市)人民政府认定的“高精尖缺”高技能人才 [简答题]简述矫直钢轨后的作业质量标准?
In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:
Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.
The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.
She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.
Transform comparison into celebration.
Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.
Use the success of others as a mirror.
Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own.
[单项选择]当代生物社会学家威尔逊认为决定人的一切行为的本质力量是( )。
A. 个体本能 B. 外在环境 C. 基因复制 D. 肌体成熟 我来回答: 提交