Within hours of appearing on television
to announce the end of conscription, President Jacques Chirac moved quickly to
prevent any dissent from within the military establishment. Addressing more than
500 military staff officers at the military academy in Paris yesterday, Mr
Chirac said clearly that he "expected" their loyalty in the work of rebuilding
France’s national defense. He understood their "legitimate concerns, questions and emotions" at the reforms, but added: "You must understand that there is not and never has been any rigid model for French defense. Military service has been compulsory for less than a century. Realism required that our armed forces should now be professional." The President’s decision to abolish conscription over a period of six years removes a rite of passage for young Frenchmen that has existe A. since 1993 B. since the French Revolution C. nearly fifty years D. almost a century [单选题]计量自动化在安装前应( )。
A.进行信号场强测试 B.确定安装位置 C.直接安装 D.无需测试 [填空题]《中国铁路总公司安全管理规定》第七十六条规定,各部门、各单位要加强对安全工作的( ),对存在的问题和隐患要记录在案,落实整改( ),实行( )管理。对突出问题要开展( ),明确整治项目、标准、责任、完成期限和保证措施。对重大隐患实行挂牌督办。
A.早期妊娠 B.原发性闭经 C.继发性闭经 D.卵巢早衰 E.宫颈粘连 [简答题]话务均衡都有哪些手段?
A. 《机动车丢失证明》 B. 《机动车行驶证》 C. 《机动车停驶证明》 D. 《购车发票》 [单选题]固定信号机距离正线中心线不少于()毫米
A.1875 B.2150 C.2440 D.2500 [单选题]禁止工作人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置,如需变更,应由工作负责人征得()同意。
A.A.工作许可人 B.B.值班调控人员 C.C.工作票签发人 D.D.小组负责人 [单选题]蛋白质生物合成中每延长一个氨基酸消耗的高能磷酸键数为( )
A.1 B.4 C.2 D.3 E.5 [单项选择]男性,69岁,上腹不适伴反酸烧心24年,要确诊胃食管反流病最主要的检查是
A. 内镜检查+24小时食管pH监测 B. 食管测压+内镜 C. 内镜检查 D. 上消化道造影+24小时食管pH监测 E. 上消化道造影 我来回答: 提交