During the second half of 1776, the British had driven Washington’s armies from their strongholds in and near New York City. Washington retreated, moving southeast across New Jersey.
Before his army reached the shores of the Delaware, he sent soldiers ahead to bring together all the boats they could find. When the British arrived at the east bank early in December, the Colonials were safely across. And the British could find only two small boats on a pond.
For the time being, the British gave up the chase. They set up camp at Trenton and at other strongholds along the Delaware.
Washington had the boats on the Pennsylvania side, but that was about all he had. Food was short, and many soldiers were too iii to march. And any day now, the river might freeze, making it possible for the British force to cross into Pennsylvania.
If the struggle for freedom was to continue, Washington had to have a victory. Finally he decided to re-cross the Delaware
A. he was sure his men were ready to fight
B. he was told in a dream that he would win the war on Christmas night
C. he expected the British would still be celebrating the holiday and they wouldn’t be prepared for the sudden attack
D. his men wanted return home to spend New Year
目前首选的治疗方案是(){{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 57 to G1 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} For most people, fat is a burden. It doesn’t really matter where it appears, we just don’t want it. But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it. It’s called brown fat and health experts confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores of this tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight-loss treatment. Human newborns have been known to have any significant deposits of brown fat, so called because of its abnormally high concentration of dark---colored mitochondria (线粒体), the engines that sustain cell activity. The primary purpose of brown fat is to regulate body temperature: the mito A. A.it is totally impossible to lose weight by activating brown fat B.our brown fat will be more active if we go to the North Pole C.brown fat can surely make you thinner than before D.to keep fit, an average person should eat 50g brown fat [单项选择]雨果写了一本富有东方异国情调、支持希腊人民独立斗争的诗集,它是:()
A. 《西东合集》 B. 《东方集》 C. 《东方叙事诗》 D. 《赞美诗》 [判断题]恢复送电,应接到客户停送电联系人的工作结束报告,做好录音并记录后方可进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]欠超高和超高顺坡率不得同时采用困难条件下的限值。欠超高或超高顺坡率需采用困难条件时,应优先采用欠超高困难条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]冻结功能为案件立案并经初查后,对嫌疑人账号的处置。故需录入相关的案件编号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]董事会和高级管理层对战略风险管理的结果负有( )责任。
A.间接 B.直接 C.最大 D.最终 [填空题]克劳伯克(Cronbach)的α系数指的是().
[填空题]按施工特定行车办法行车时,列车凭特定引导手信号通过车站。 ( )
[单项选择]土地价格:是地租资本化的表现。 据此定义,下列判断正确的是( )
A. 土地价格是土地价值的货币表现 B. 资本化的地租 C. 级差地租和绝对地租的总和 D. 农业资本家交纳的全部租金 [单项选择]不同标称电压的继电器()换用。
A. 可以 B. 不可以 C. 可短时 D. 不一定 [单选题] 防毒口罩适用于空气中氧气含量不小于( )%的环境。
A.14 B.16 C.18 D.26 [简答题]选择分销商应考虑的因素有哪些?
[单选题]辙叉翼一侧纵向裂纹发展至轨面(含轨面部分裂纹长度)超过( )mm为高锰钢整铸辙叉重伤标准。
A.50 B.60 C.80 D.100 E.120 F.200 [单选题]某制造商面临大量产品退货,产品经理怀疑是采购和货物分类流程存在问题,此时应该采用( )进行分析。
A.流程图 B.质量控制图 C.直方图 D.鱼骨图 [单项选择]( )是最基本的安全管理制度,是所有安全生产管理制度的核心。
A. 安全预防 B. 安全教育 C. 安全技术交底 D. 安全生产责任制 [单选题]目前风力发电技术在机组形式上逐步趋同,下列不是常见的模式的是()。
A.下风向 B. 三叶片 C. 水平轴 D. 管式塔 [简答题]跨越施工前应如何对跨越现场进行复测?
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A.43N•m B.45N•m C.47N•m D.49N•m 我来回答: 提交