Of the estimated 10,000 and 20,000 words that make up the average American’s vocabulary, slang constitutes about 10 percent, according to the authors of the Dictionary of American Slang. Although slang words represent a rather small segment of our English language, they are often the liveliest, most innovative and most colorful words we use.
There is something sensual and tactile about many slang words, which borrow heavily from the vocabularies associated with food. Hands are called meat hooks; loved ones are called honey, sweet pie or sugar; someone whose intellect is suspect is a fruitcake, cabbage head or just plain nuts.
"The primary function of slang is to adorn your speech, to be lively, witty and new. Newness is the essence of slang," says David Pharies, professor of linguistics at the University of Florida. One of the main purpose of using slang is to solidify one’s identification with a group. Slang is most prevalent among the young
A. have little to do with the words of food.
B. make up the average American's vocabulary.
C. are in themselves related to the sense of touch.
D. represent 10 percent of the Dictionary of American Slang.
You are on medical symptom.after learning that you have cancer,and you plan to return to work after your treatment.Should you return full time or part time According to the American Cancer Society,a great number of workers who receive a{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of cancer do retum to their jobs during or after treatment.{{U}} (22) {{/U}},it’s better to come back in stages rather than all at once.Doctors{{U}} (23) {{/U}}working two or three days the first week and then returning to full time from there,{{U}} (24) {{/ A. report B. answer C. respond D. commune [单选题]急性肺水肿X线检查的典型改变是( )
A.Kerley B线 B.右下肺动脉增宽 C.肺门舞蹈 D.两肺弥散型小片状影 E.肺门蝶形密度增高影 [单选题]适合经销商的营业推广方式错误的是()
A.津贴 B.免费产品 C.超额提成 D.价格折扣 [多选题]冷热流体温度一定的情况下,传热过程的平均温压比较高的有()。
A.逆流 B.顺流 C.叉流 D.顺逆流 [判断题]20万元(含)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]( )的绘画兼有诗、书、印之美,相得益彰。
A. 非结合胆红素 B. 结合胆红素 C. 肝前胆红素 D. 与白蛋白结合的胆红素 [单选题]关于建设项目设计文件的修改,下列表述正确的是( )。
A.建设文件是工程建设的主要依据,经批准后,不得任意变更和修改 B.建设单位和监理单位可以修改工程建设勘察设计文件 C.确需修改的,应由新的勘察设计单位修改 D.修改单位对修改的勘察设计文件不承担相应的法律责任 [单选题]队列指挥位置应当便于指挥和通视全体,停止间通常是在队列( )。
A.左侧 B.右侧 C.中央前 D.左侧中央前 [单选题]对经过识别和计量的风险采取分散、对冲、转移、规避和补偿等措施,进行有效管理和控制的过程称为( )。
A.风险计量 B.风险控制 C.风险识别 D.风险监测 [单选题]电压互感器二次短路会使一次( )。
A.A、电压升高 B.B、电压降低 C.C、熔断器熔断 D.D、不变 [单项选择]羊毛的()使毛织物和羊毛针织品在穿用过程中容易产生尺寸收缩和变形,产生起球起毛等现象。
A. 缩水性 B. 缩绒性 C. 起毛性 D. 摩擦性 [简答题]燃烧室常见故障是什么?造成这些故障的主要原因是什么?
A.在联锁UPS上禁止接入其他非联锁设备 B.带电热插拔采集板 C.采用复位计算机的方法进行人工倒机 D.在查阅完历史记录后关闭电务维修机 [填空题]《诗与真》是()的作品。
A. 经络学说 B. 脏象学说 C. 五行学说 D. 阴阳学说 E. 元气论 [判断题]执行操作的操作人验电前,在临近相同电压等级带电设备测试验电器,确认验电器合格,手握在手柄处不得超过护环,人体与验电设备保持足够安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]盐酸不可以清洗过热器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交