We drink tea every day. But more than
three hundred years ago, most of the people in Europe did not know {{U}} (41)
{{/U}} about tea, because it was {{U}} (42) {{/U}} in Asia. There is
a {{U}} (43) {{/U}} about an English sailor. {{U}} (44) {{/U}} he
went to India and China. When he came home, he brought some {{U}} (45)
{{/U}}as a present to his mother. She told her friends about the present and
{{U}} (46) {{/U}} them to a tea party. When her friends came to the tea
party, the old woman brought some tea {{U}} (47) {{/U}} and asked them to
eat. Of course, nobody liked the tea leaves. Just {{U}} (48) {{/U}} the sailor came in. He looked at the tea leaves on the table and asked his mother, "What have you done{{U}} (49) {{/U}} the tea " "I boiled it as you said." "And what did you do w [单选题] 井下架线电机车运行的轨道,两平行钢轨之间,每隔( )m应连接1根断面不小于50mm的铜线或其他具有等效电阻的导线。
A.25 B.50 C.75 [单项选择][*]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]断路器(开关)与隔离开关(刀闸)无机械或电气闭锁装置时,在拉开隔离开关(刀闸)前应()。
A.确认断路器(开关)操作电源已完全断开 B.确认断路器(开关)已完全断开 C.确认断路器(开关)机械指示正常 D.确认无负荷电流 [填空题]在编写解决方案前,应对客户现有通信业务中存在的问题及这些问题将会对客户造成的()进行分析。
A.(直接费+间接费+利润)*3% B.直接费*3% C.(直接费+间接费)*3% D.营业额*3% [单项选择]10807单元PSA吸附器最上床层组分是()。
A. 分子筛 B. 铜系吸附剂 C. 氧化铝 D. 活性炭 [单选题]急性水中毒时,受损最重的器官是 (1分.)
A.心 B.肝 C.肺 D.肾 E.脑 [单项选择]阳辅穴归于()
A. 足厥阴肝经 B. 足太阴脾经 C. 足少阴肾经 D. 足阳明胃经 E. 足少阳胆经 [不定项选择题]A.2.1米
A.3.4米 B.1.8米 C.2.8米 D.1.1米 E.学校教学用房内廊净宽度不应小于 我来回答: 提交