I watched as Dr. Ian Stead, the
archaeologist in charge of the excavation, began carefully removing the peat
with a clay modelling tool. X-rays taken through the box while it was at the
hospital revealed ribs, backbone, arm bones and a skull (apparently with
fractures). However, the bones showed up only faintly because acid in the peat
had removed minerals from them. Using the X-rays, Stead started on what he thought might be a leg. By his side was Professor Frank Oldfield, of Liverpool University, an expert on peat who could identify vegetation from stems only a fraction of an inch long. "Similar bodies found in bogs in Denmark show signs of a violent death," Stead said. "It is essential for us to be able to distinguish between the plant fibres in peat and clothing or a piece of rope which might have been used to hang him." As Stead continued A. (A) He had closely-cropped hair. B. (B) His coat was fur-lined. C. (C) He had a drooping moustache and shaven chin. D. (D) His fingernails were well looked after. [单选题]杆线工作安全规定中上杆作业应当做到
A.禁止上腐朽、倾斜或正在发射的天线杆塔 B.上杆塔必须带保安设备,禁止在风力超过5级以上,结冰或雷雨天气上杆塔 C.在杆塔上作业,地面应有专人配合工作,地面配合人员必须戴防护帽 D.已上全是 [单选题]下列()属于划分完工产品成本与在产品成本的方法,能使某种产品本月发生的生产费用就是本月完工产品的成本
A.不计算在产品成本的方法 B.约当产量比例法 C.定额比例法 D.定额成本法 [单项选择]患者身高180cm,体重80kg,因急性阑尾炎合并穿孔,急诊在腰麻下行阑尾切除术。
采取此种体位的目的是 A. 可减少局部出血,有利愈合 B. 防止炎症扩散和毒素吸收,可减轻疼痛 C. 有利于减少回心血量,促进血液循环 D. 有利于减轻肺部淤血,减少并发症 E. 有利于扩大腹腔容量,防止炎症扩散 [单项选择]男性,30岁,因受凉后出现畏寒、发热,咯铁锈色痰,伴左侧胸痛。胸片左下肺大片密度高阴影。该病原体耐药的主要机制为()
A. PBP结构改变 B. 产生生物被膜 C. 膜通透性降低 D. 主动外排系统 E. 产AmpC酶 [填空题]细菌的构造可以分为()、()、()三部分。
[单项选择]突发耳鸣,声大如潮,按之不减者属( )
A. 肾精亏损 B. 肝胆火盛 C. 肝肾阴虚 D. 阴虚火旺 E. 肝血不足 [多项选择]企业取得的下列各项收入,应计入投资收益的有()。
A. 转让股票、债券的净收益 B. 国库券的利息收入 C. 银行存款的利息收入 D. 公司债券的利息收入 [判断题]物质的燃点越低、越不容易引起火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]流动资产包括()。
A. 应付帐款 B. 应收帐款 C. 存货 D. 现金 E. 贷款利息 我来回答: 提交