When the steam engine was invented in
the 18th century, it began one of the greatest revolutions in our world. The
invention of the petrol engine at the end of the 19th century led to another
enormous change in our lives. And the computer is almost certainly going to be
no less important an invention than these engines were. Just as there was a Stone Age, an Iron Age and so on, we have been living for centuries in a Paper Age, when almost all information was kept and sent on paper. Ho A. Offering entertainment. B. Making phone calls. C. Doing office and business work. D. Sending information. 热门试题:[判断题]救生软梯适用于7层以下楼宇、非明火环境下、在突发事故发生时救援或逃生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Only when he had done it () that he had made a mistake.
A. he then realized B. did he realize C. before he realized D. he realized [判断题]动车组以外的旅客列车停站办客作业时,列车乘务员要确认所在车厢是否停靠站台。(《南昌局集团公司普速铁路行车组织规则》第86条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]金融机构申请开办衍生产品交易业务( )
A. 衍生产品交易业务主管人员应当具备5年以上直接参与衍生交易活动和风险管理的资历,且无不良记录 B. 应具有从事衍生产品或相关交易3年以上、接受相关衍生产品交易技能专门培训半年以上的交易人员至少2名 C. 相关风险管理人员至少2名 D. 风险模型研究人员或风险分析人员至少2名 [单选题]滑雪:运动
A.家具:电器 B.电锯:工具 C.古筝:丝竹 D.衣服:裤子 [单项选择]中国人民解放军军徽中“八、一”为()
A. 仿宋汉字 B. 楷体汉字 C. 宋体汉字 D. 黑体汉字 [单选题]以下关于抗原抗体反应特点叙述正确的是
A.抗原抗体反应的特异性说明抗原表位是某种抗原所独有的,特异性抗体只能识别该抗原 B.抗原抗体的结合是一种动态平衡的过程 C.抗原抗体发生反应时,若抗原过量,则为前带现象 D.抗原抗体可见反应阶段比较快,仅需几秒至几分钟 E.以上均正确 [单选题]发放物品时的查对内容()
A.物品名称 B.灭菌日期 C.科室 D.数量 E.以上都正确 [单项选择] JOBS
A person planning for a career today must look carefully at the expected occupational trends and changes in the job market. Affecting the economy are changes in the size, age, and distribution of the population, as well as developments in technology. These changes also affect employment opportunities. For example, an aging population has increased the need for medical care and other health services. Computer technology has not only eliminated or changed the nature of many jobs but also created new occupations. By analyzing the changing economy and the factors causing these changes, a person can forecast, or predict, future trends in employment.
A New Labor Force
The United States labor force--the total number of people over the age of 16 who are employed or are actively seeking work totaled 127 million in 1992. By the year 2005, the labor force is expected to reach 151 million, an increase of 19%. This increase represents a s
A. Y B. N C. NG [名词解释]缩微式检索工具
A. 死亡或宣告失踪。 B. 受刑事处罚。 C. 中止执业活动满2年的。 D. 考核不合格,逾期未提出再次考核申请或者经再次仍不合格的。 [判断题]2.7销毁机动车驾驶证档案应当在指定的地点,监销人和销毁人应当共同在销毁记录上签字。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]长期困在黑暗中的人员,在救出重见光明前,应用灯光照射检查其双眼视力,以免失明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于电磁系电流表,常用的扩大电流表量程的方法是()。
A.串联分流电阻 B.并联分流电阻 C.附加电流互感器 D.串联电抗器 [单项选择]男,68岁,全口义齿修复,戴牙1个月后诉咀嚼无力,查咬合关系良好,后牙面解剖形态良好,患者鼻唇沟加深,可能原因是()
A. 上下颌弓关系异常 B. 垂直距离过高 C. 垂直距离过低 D. 基托组织面缓冲不够 E. 基托边缘伸展不够 [多选题]营业执照加载的统一社会信用代码共18位,由( )五部分构成。
A.1位登记管理部门代码 B.1位机构类别代码 C.6位登记管理机关行政区划码 D.9位主体标识码 E.1位校验码 [单项选择]不确定性避免是指在任何一个社会中,人们对于不确定的、含糊的、前途未卜的情景,都会感到面对的是一种威胁,从而总是试图加以防止。 根据上述定义,下列不属于不确定性避免的是:
A. 学校号召研究生出过深造,小王觉得自己生活比较安定,不想出去,就说:“我的外语水平不行,还是把机会让给其他同学吧。” B. 随着金融风暴的到来,股市涨跌起伏不定,小赵将自己手上的股票迅速抛掉。 C. 毕业答辩日期临近,小李对于答辩老师可能提出的问题心中没底,非常紧张。 D. 小张在去国企工作还是自己创业之间反复思考,觉得后者风险太大,于是选择进入国企。 [单项选择]