There are some that would argue that
hospitals are no place for dogs, while they are wrong. At least according to new
research reported at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2005.
For people hospitalized with advanced heart disease, it is better to have
visitors than to lie quietly alone. But one type of visitor seems to be
especially beneficial, researchers reported on Tuesday. That visitor is a dog.
In the first controlled study of the effects of pet therapy in a random sample
of acute and critically ill heart patients, anxiety as measured on a standard
rating scale dropped 24 percent for those visited by a dog and a human
volunteer, by 10 percent for those visited by a volunteer alone and not at all
for those with no visitors. Similar results were found in measures of heart and
lung function. The senior autho A. When the anxiety measurement doesn’t change. B. When the patient’s level of epinephrine drops. C. When he expresses feelings of being loved by visitors. D. When he shows the willingness to communicate with people. [判断题]在降压变电所内,变压器是将高电压改变为低电压的电气设备。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]完全不考虑程序的内部结构和内部特征,而只是根据程序功能导出测试用例的测试方法是______。
A. 黑箱测试法 B. 白箱测试法 C. 错误排测法 D. 安装测试法 [单项选择]消费者权益保护法的两大核心内容是()。
A. 消费者的权利与义务 B. 经营者的权利与义务 C. 消费者的权利与经营者的义务 D. 消费者的权利与保护措施 [单项选择]根据中国人民银行现行相关规定,信用卡每卡每日预借现金累计金额不超过人民币()元。
A. 20000 B. 10000 C. 5000 D. 2000 [单项选择]两化融合实施过程中动态调整的时机应该在()
A. 每半年进行一次 B. 每年进行一次 C. 在业务流程与组织结构优化、技术实现后 D. 按预先策划的周期进行或内外部因素变化达到一定条件时 [单项选择]经鉴定确认有推广价值的成果,应采取()手段加强技术推广工作。
A. 行政的;技术的;经济的 B. 法律的;经济的 C. 法律的;技术的;经济的 [单选题]在带电的电流互感器二次回路上工作时,应有专人监护,使用绝缘工具,并站在( )上。
A.A.工作台上 B.B.绝缘垫上 C.C.地面上 D.D.梯子上 我来回答: 提交