An enormous variety of relationships
between men and women, singly and in groups, meet the definition of marriage.
Often the forms of marriage sanctioned by a society are related to the needs of
that society. Marriage between two individuals, one male and one female, is
known as monogamy. Marriage of three or more individuals is known as
polygamy. Polygyny is a form of polygamy in which one male is married to more than one female. Polyandry is a form of polygamy in which one female is married to more than one male. Still another form of polygamy is group marriage, in which two or more males are married to two or more females. In some societies a polyandrous ma A. The author shows no idea about polygamy. B. The author thinks that it benefits the society. C. The author thinks that it is unfair to women. D. The author thinks it acceptable. [单选题]下列关于空气呼吸器的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.备用的空气呼吸器必须每月进行检查,或按能确保呼吸器在需要使用时能正常工作的频率检查。 B.关闭空气呼吸器瓶阀时,不要猛力旋转手轮,否则可能导致瓶阀阀垫的损坏,影响瓶阀的密封性能。 C.清洗、消毒面罩时,在温水(最高温度43℃)加入中性肥皂液或清洁剂(如:餐具用洗洁剂)进行洗涤,然后用净水彻底冲洗干净。 D.空气呼吸器应放入器材箱或存放于专用储存室,室温0℃~30℃,相对湿度40%~80%,并远离腐蚀性气体。 [单选题]备自投装置无压定值推荐取( )倍额定电压
A.0.2-0.3 B.0.15-0.3 C.0.1-0.3 D.0.2-0.4 [单选题]操作隔离开关使用的绝缘靴、绝缘手套和绝缘工具,要存放在阴凉干燥的处所妥善保管,需每( )个月一次送质检部门进行绝缘性能的检查试验。
A.3 B.6 C.7 D.12 [判断题]奥氏体不锈钢与铜及其合金焊接时,用纯镍做填充金属材料可有效地防止渗透裂纹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]随机投一枚硬币共10次,其中3次为正面,7次为反面。则该随机事件______为3/10。
A. 出现正面的频数 B. 出现正面的频率 C. 出现正面的概率 D. 出现正面的可能性 [判断题]当挂有由区间返回的后部补机时,另发给补机司机路票副页。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]磺脲类药物最常见的不良反应是
A.甲状腺功能低下 B.凝血功能障碍 C.胃肠不适,恶心腹泻 D.精神错乱 E.低血糖 [单项选择]山坡路堤,当地面横坡陡于1: 5时,原地面应挖成向内倾斜的台阶,台阶宽度不小于 ( )。
A. 0.5m B. 1.0m C. 1.5m D. 2.0m [不定项选择题]As the pace of life continues to increase ,we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift,being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down.
But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact ,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation adn give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.
According to the writer ,the most important character for a good manager is his ___A_____.
A.a.not fearing stress B.b.knowing the art of relaxation C.c.high sense of responsibility D.d.having control over performance [简答题]正在容留某女卖淫的旅店老板娘见民警来抓卖淫、嫖娼人员,立即向正在卖淫、嫖娼的违法行为人报信。对老板娘应以容留卖淫和为卖淫、嫖娼人员通风报信分别决定处罚,合并执行。
[多选题]集约型经济增长的特点是( )。( )
A.低投入 B.低消耗 C.高质量 D.高产出 〖判断题〗 [单项选择]异丙阿托品扩张支气管的作用机制是()
A. 兴奋β受体 B. 阻断M受体 C. 稳定肥大细胞膜 D. 抑制磷酸二酯酶 E. 选择性兴奋β2受体 [简答题]ZYJ7转辙机提速道岔外锁闭目前有分动式和连动式外锁闭两种
A. 行为地法 B. 出票地法 C. 拒绝付款地法 D. 法院地法 [单选题]急进性肾小球肾炎的预后与下列哪项因素关系极为密切
A. 高血压 B. 少尿 C. 水肿 D. 肾小球新月体的数量 E. 血尿 [单项选择]下列哪种说法不正确()
A. 心可分为一尖、一底、两面、三缘,表面有4条沟 B. 心尖位置大致在左侧第5肋间隙锁骨中线稍内一点 C. 心的前面位于胸骨和肋骨的后面,故此面亦称胸肋面 D. 前、后室间沟在心尖左侧的汇合处稍凹陷,称心尖切迹 E. 后房间沟、后室间沟与冠状沟的相交处称房室交点 [多选题]我国动车组受电弓采用双臂受电弓。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.单臂 D.b.多臂 E.c.T型 [简答题]40根据我国《立法法》的规定,全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会可以授权国务院根据实际需要,对本来属于其制定法律的事项制定行政法规,但有些事项不能授权。这些事项包括
A. 事故管理 B. 事故处理 C. 事故评价 [单选题]装车单位使用的装载加固材料,必须由()向货运中心公布的生产厂家购买。
A.托运人 B.收货人 C.装车单位 [填空题]异柠檬酸可以在( )的催化下进入( )循环,从而绕过TCA循环,该酶催化所生成的产物是( )
A.爱岗敬业 B.诚实守信 C.办事公道 D.服务群众 [单项选择]若下痢滞而不爽,应加
A. 枳壳、木香 B. 大黄、槟榔 C. 大黄、芒硝 D. 神曲、麦芽 E. 以上皆非 [单选题]为保证足够的新鲜空气供给,在有限空间作业过程中,可采取强制性( )措施降低危险,保持空气流通
A.持续机械通风 B.间断式机械通风 C.自然通风 D.吹入纯氧 [单选题]长期由胃肠道或皮肤吸收小量该品,可发生轻度消化道症状、皮炎、以及( )肝肾损害。( )
A.秃发 B.呼吸系统疾病 C.胃病 D.皮肤干燥 我来回答: 提交