Orientation Schedule | /r/n |
Part Ⅰ: /r/n Campus /r/n Tour | /r/n Monday /r/n · meet at door of (21) at 9 a.m./r/n · visit (22) in the afternoon /r/nTuesday · (24) apply for membership | /r/n
Part Ⅱ: /r/n Course /r/n Arrangement | /r/n Wednesday · course coordinator—course requirement · assessments: * [判断题]公务电话系统配电柜空开容量为C10A,下一级交转直空开容量可为C16A。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]A. taking medicines
B. cold viruses
C. the heat of your body
D. various symptoms
A. take medicines to relieve
of colds
when you have a cold
C. hundreds of kinds of
out there.
is killing the virus
Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon why can"t they find a cure for the common cold The answer is easy. There"re actually
. You never know which one you will get, so there isn"t a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockade in it. You feel terrible because you can"t breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but
. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells. You may feel miserable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot bath and drink warm liquids. Other people
. There is one interesting thing to note. Some scientists say
is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer, because your body doesn"t develop a way to fight it and kill it.
[单选题]攂电气集中1LJ和2LJ( ),正常排列进路时,本区段不显示白光带,信号不能开放。
A.吸起 B.落下 C.保留 D.错误保留吸起 [单项选择]本病例属喘证哪个证型
A. 表寒肺热证 B. 风寒壅肺证 C. 肾虚不纳证 D. 肺气虚耗证 E. 正虚喘脱证 [多选题]压力管道带压堵漏是利用合适的密封件,彻底切断介质泄漏的通道,或堵塞,或隔离泄漏介质通道,或增加泄漏介质通道中流体流动阻力,以便形成一个封闭的空间,达到阻止流体外泄的目的。下列情况中不能使用带压堵漏方法进行补救的是( )。
A.焊口有砂眼而产生泄漏 B.压力管道内的介质属于高毒介质 C.管道受压元件因裂纹而产生泄漏 D.管道腐蚀、冲刷壁厚状况不清 [判断题]暂扣许可证和执照是行政强制措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]雾化压力低报警开关在()流程上。
A. 燃油 B. 雾化 C. 引燃 D. 燃气 [多选题]股票价格( )。
A.与银行存款利息率成反比 B.与预期股息收入成正比 C.是股息收入的资本化 D.是它所代表的实际资本价值的货币表现 E.不是股票的票面额 [多项选择]我国的公安机关是( )。
A. 国家治安行政力量 B. 国家刑事司法力量 C. 立法机关 D. 审判机关 [填空题]润滑油对轴承起()和()、清洗等作用。
A. 偶发阵性房颤无栓塞危险无需抗凝 B. 急性房颤无需抗凝 C. 频发的阵发性房颤无栓塞危险者也需抗凝 D. 特发性房颤年龄小于60岁可不抗凝 E. 持续性房颤小于48小时无需抗凝 [单选题]3.58.第58题
系统中的五次谐波属于()。 A.负序性质 B.正序性质 C.零序性质 D.复合性质 [判断题]街道办事处不具备安全生产监督管理的职责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]烟叶质量控制是一项系统工作,涉及( )等诸多因素,不仅是一项职能活动,也是一项管理活动。
A.人员 B.技术 C.管理 D.气候 [多项选择]下列体外诊断试剂中,按第三类产品进行管理的是()。
A. 与遗传性疾病相关的试剂 B. 与血型、组织配型相关的试剂 C. 与肿瘤标志物检测相关的试剂 D. 与变态反应(过敏原)相关的试剂 E. 用于蛋白质检测的试剂 [简答题]铝板风管法兰连接采用什么材质的螺栓?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用飞车安装间隔棒时,前后刹车卡死(刹牢)前即可进行工作走线检查、安装间隔棒。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按照《铁路路基设计规范》(TB10001-2005),某单线铁路为Ⅰ级铁路,轨道为次重型无缝轨道,路基由砂卵石填筑,其直线段路堑的路基顶面宽度应为( )。
A. 5.9m B. 6.2m C. 6.6m D. 6.7m [单选题]乘车检阅返回检阅台时,以每小时约( )公里的速度行驶。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [单项选择]Input Box 函数返回值的类型为______。
A. 数值 B. 字符串 C. 变体 D. 数值或字符串(视输入的数据而定) [简答题]
On July 12, 1993, a young professor of American history named Frederick Jackson Turner stood up to speak. The scene was the American History Congress at the Chicago World’s Fair. (62) His paper was titled "The significance of the Frontier in American History." Turner had a new idea. (63) And many historians who heard him recognized that he had come upon a simple theory that seemed right. [单选题]测得10名正常人和10名病毒性肝炎患者血清转铁蛋白的含量(g/L),比较患者和正常人的转铁蛋白是否有差别应用
A. 两样本均数的u检验 B. 样本均数与总体均数的t检验 C. 两样本均数的t检验 D. 配对设计t检验 E. 先作方差齐性检验, 再决定检验方法 [单选题]•山东能源集团《“红黄牌”、严重“三违”判定标准及执行办法》规定:在重点防火区域、防爆场所吸烟的属于( )
A.严重违章指挥 B.严重违章作业 C.严重违反劳动纪律 D.红黄牌 [单项选择]()国的葡萄酒质量首屈一指。
A. 德国 B. 法国 C. 英国 D. 西班牙 我来回答: 提交