(76) {{U}}Some people argue that the pressure on
international sportsmen and sportswom-en kills the essence of sport-the pursuit
of personal excellence. {{/U}}Children kick a football around for fun. When they
get older and play for local school teams, they become competi-tive but they
still enjoy playing. The individual representing his country cannot afford to
think about enjoying himself, and he has to think only about winning. He is
responsible for an entire nation A. highest point B. mountain top C. award D. summary 热门试题: [单项选择]抬桥式轨束梁纵扣轨的中心距一般不超过()m。
A. 2 B. 2.4 C. 3 D. 3.4 [判断题]要使羹的汤质柔滑,掌握烩制时调芡的时机非常关键,最好是在汤微沸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于短效口服避孕药作用机制,不正确的是
A.抑制排卵 B.改变宫颈黏液性状 C.影响精子获能 D.抑制子宫内膜增殖变化 E.使子宫内膜分泌不良 [判断题]工业产权、专利技术等都是评价企业技术水平中技术硬件的重要内容()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]移交方编制的会计档案移交清册,应当列明移交的会计档案名称、卷号、册数、起止年度、档案编号、应保管期限和已保管期限等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
What is it about Paris For the last two centuries it has been the single most visited city in the world. Tourists still go for the art and the food, even if they have to brave the disdain of ticket-takers and waiters. Revolutionaries on the run, artists in search of the galleries and writers looking for the license to explore their inner selves went looking for people like themselves and created their own fields filled with experimentation and constant arguments. Would worldwide communist revolution have been conceivable without the Paris that was home to Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Would Impressionism or Cubism have become "isms" without Paris as a place to work and as a subject to paint How Paris came to be, for such a long time, "capital of the world" [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》第135条规定,客车上水时,给水员应()、穿防护服,注意脚下杂物和来往车辆。
A.A、有人防护 B.B、身系安全带 C.C、戴安全帽 D.D、脚穿胶鞋 [单项选择]肝硬化与缩窄性心包炎的水肿鉴别点是()
A. 有无肝肿大 B. 有无腹水 C. 有无颈静脉怒张 D. 有无肝功能异常 E. 有无下肢水肿 [单项选择]各种板件()进行带电热拔插。
A. 可以 B. 不可以 C. 均可 D. 均不可 [单选题]柱上变压器台架工作,若变压器的低压侧无法装设接地线,应采用( )措施。
A.禁止工作 B.加强监护 C.拆除引线 D.绝缘遮蔽 [单选题](617896)确定汇管和体积管中所用管线尺寸和管汇开孔的大小时,通过体积管系统的( )应与计量装置估算的容许压力损失相适应。(1.0分)
A.压强损失 B.流量损失 C.温度损失 D.压力损失 [单项选择]The important initial stability parameter,GM,is the().
A. metacentric height B. height of the metacenter above the keel C. height of the center of buoyancy above the keel D. height of the center of gravity above the keel [多选题]从事口腔诊疗医务人员应掌握以下哪方面知识和技能
A.A、口腔诊疗器械消毒 B.B、个人防护 C.C、医院感染预防与控制 D.D、标准预防的原则 E.E、本科室的部门规章 [单选题]尽头线停留机车车辆时,原则上应与车挡保持()距离。
A.5m以上 B.10m以上 C.15m以上 D.30m以上 [单选题]敷设在地面上的施工用电线路应采用绝缘电缆,交通车辆通行路面上的电缆应设有()的措施。
A.防水淹 B.防碾压 C.防盗窃 D.防火 [单项选择]混合标准尺度法属于( )的考评方法。
A. 按具体形式区分 B. 以员工行为对象 C. 依员工工作成果进行 D. 对员工工作态度实施 [简答题]与其他传动方式相比,液压传动有哪些优缺点?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]党员被依法逮捕的,党组织应当按照管理权限中止其表决权、选举权和被选举权等党员权利。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]将移动发电机抬到操作区,竖起升降杆,利用手动气泵提供的管道压缩空气将升降杆及照明灯升起,最大升起高度为( )m。
A.3 B.4.5 C.6 D.7.5 [单选题]下列有关苯妥英钠的叙述,不正确的是
A.会引起牙龈增生 B.可用于治疗三叉神经痛 C.治疗癫痫强直阵挛性发作有效 D.口服吸收规则,t1/2个体差异小 E.治疗某些心律失常有效 [单选题]3.715.第715题
紧线时,弧垂大,则导线受力大。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]与普通混凝土相比,高性能混凝土的特点是( )。
A.高强度 B.高耐久 C.高收缩性 D.高工作性 E.高耐火性 [多选题]风机在某一特定转速和工作风阻条件下的工作参数有( )。
A.风机风压 B.风机风量 C.风机轴功率 D.风机效率 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]支气管内出现鳞状上皮()
A. 含铁血黄素 B. 胆色素 C. 脂褐素 D. 黑色素 E. 钙盐沉积 [单项选择]在“泊然无感,而体气和平”中,“泊然”之义为()
A. 冷淡的样子 B. 清心的样子 C. 寡欲无求的样子 D. 清静淡泊的样子 [单选题]患者女性,30岁,有戴接触镜史10余年,现常觉眼干涩,不舒适,视物模糊,易疲劳。检查见角膜表面有点状荧光素染色,最可能的诊断是( )
A.病毒性角膜炎 B.结膜干燥症(干眼症) C.慢性结膜炎 D.角膜上皮营养不良 E.缺氧 [单选题]185.下列属于有毒气体的是( )。(易)
A.甲烷 B.丙烷 C.一氧化碳 D.氧气 [判断题]“以人为本”就是简单提高班组员工的待遇。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]{{B}}Task 5{{/B}}
{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} There is an advertisement below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 to No. 60) that follow. The answers (in not mere than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.
{{B}}Join the Business Book Club{{/B}}
Business Book Club is a fantastic book club providing a wide range of business books for business people. We will send you a new book every month from our fantastic range of business books. Managers are all over the world reading our business books and their business is getting better and better. There is no need to pay immediately. If you like the book and want to buy it, we will send you the bill and you should pay it within two weeks. If you don’t like it. just send it back in the box provided. You don’t need to pay any extra payment. Join t [单项选择]容器强度设计得到的名义厚度中不包括以下哪一项()。
A. 负偏差 B. 腐蚀余量 C. 圆整值 D. 最小厚度 [简答题]某日,22:58客值C为乘客办理退票手续,期间将客值保管的票务钥匙串放置在客服中心窗口内侧;
A.票务备品和票务工器具 B.部分票务钥匙 C.票款包,发票包,应急包 D.封包及封包锁 [单项选择]关于股癣,正确的是()
A. 中间无自愈倾向 B. 无自觉表现 C. 无传染性 D. 发生于阴囊部位时常呈对称性 E. 皮损可呈古钱币形 [单选题]爱岗敬业的具体要求是( )
A. 树立职业理想 B. 强化职业责任 C. 行为适度 D.提高职业技能 [判断题]内贸运输一般为定期船运输,而外贸运输一般为不定期船运输。()
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