The business of advertising is to
invent methods of addressing massive audiences in an effective way. The language
used in an ad should be easily accessible and immediately{{U}} (26)
{{/U}}. No advertising agency wants to put{{U}} (27) {{/U}}an ad
that is neither clear nor convincing. But these agencies disagree when it{{U}}
(28) {{/U}}to the most effective methods of doing so.{{U}} (29)
{{/U}}the years, advertising firms have developed a variety of distinctive
styles{{U}} (30) {{/U}}on their understanding of the different kinds of
audiences they want to{{U}} (31) {{/U}}. No two agencies would handle
the same product{{U}} (33) {{/U}}. For the advertisers, advertising
is{{U}} (32) {{/U}}more than a sophisticated sales pitch, an attractive
verbal and{{U}} (34) {{/U}}device to serve manufacturers. In{{U}}
(35) {{/U}}, ads often{{ A. puts B. settles C. goes D. comes 热门试题: [单项选择]IMF成员国申请储备部分的贷款是( )
A. 无条件的,需特别批准,不支付利息 B. 无条件的,可自动提用,不支付利息 C. 无条件的,需特别批准,支付利息 D. 无条件的,可自动提用,支付利息 [简答题]微小误差的定义和意义?
A. 净空高度为20米的中庭 B. 靠外墙的防烟楼梯间及其前室 C. 靠外墙的消防电梯间前室 D. 靠外墙的合用前室 [单项选择]当()时,所用的镗床夹具比较简单,主要有角铁、压板、等高垫铁等。
A. 单件小批量生产 B. 中批量生产 C. 大批量生产 D. 大量生产 [多选题]根据《人民警察警衔条例》第8.条和第9.条的规定担任行政职务的人民警察实行职
A.一级警督 B.二级警督 C.一级警监 D.二级警监 [多项选择]建设单位办理工程竣工验收备案,应提交的资料有()。
A. 房屋建筑工程竣工验收备案表 B. 法律、行政法规规定应由规划、公安消防、环保等部门出具的认可文件或者准许使用文件 C. 施工单位签署的《工程质量保修书》、住宅工程的《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》 D. 建设工程竣工验收报告 E. 工程质量监督机构出具的《建设工程竣工意见书》 [单选题]钻开油气层前50~100 m或在油气层钻进过程中,每只钻头入井钻进前、调整钻井液性能和钻具组合后,应以()正常流量测一次低泵冲循环压力。
A.1/3~1/2 B.1/2~3/4 C.2倍 [单选题] 开行军用列车时,一般情况下,客车或自备客车( )辆,可开行军用列车。
A.10 B.15 C.25 D.20 [单项选择]Three years after its first test flight ended in an explosion, NASA on March 27 successfully launched an experimental jet that the agency believes it (47)______ a record-setting speed of about 5,000 mph.
The unpiloted X43A made an 11 second rocket boosted flight, then went through some twists and (48)______ during a six-minute glide before (49)______ into the Pacific Ocean about 400 miles off the California (50)______ .
Flight engineer Lawrence Huebner said preliminary data (51)______ the needle-nosed jet reached a maximum speed of slightly over seven times the speed of sound, or about 5,000 mph, after a rocket boosted it to about 3,500 mph. Huebner said it was the first time an "air breathing" jet had ever traveled so fast. The rocket powered X15 reached Mach 6.7 in 1967.
NASA built the X43A under a $250 million program to develop and test an (52)______ type of engine called a supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet. In theory, the air breathing engine could (53)_____
A. 降低外周阻力 B. 降低血容量 C. 调整自主神经功能 D. 调整内分泌 E. 调整体液酸碱平衡 [判断题]零件加工中形位公差的作用是:用来表示加工零件的形状和位置的精度。
[多选题]中华优秀传统文化是 ( )
A.“天人合一”之学 B. 人生智慧之学 C.内圣外王之学 D. 身心平衡之学 [单项选择]皮质醇增多症最常见的病因为()
A. 肾上腺皮质腺癌 B. 双肾上腺皮质增生 C. 肾上腺皮质腺瘤 D. 异位ACTH综合征 E. 医源性糖皮质激素过多 [单项选择] Passage One