English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. The BBC’s English teaching programs are broadcast daily to four continents (31) ______. Films and video are on the air or used in institutions in over 100 countries. All this helps to add more speakers to the estimated 100 million (32) ______. The rush to learn English has reached even China. The main reason for the upsurge (上升) in interest is (33) ______. Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in a very simple form with less than one thousand words and (34) ______. This was pointed out in the 1920’s by two Cambridge scholars, Ogden and Richards, (35) ______. Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread throughout the world. An estimated 310 million people in Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. (36)
A. A second language opens the door to the world-wide sharing of skills and discoveries in science, engineering and medicine. (From English World-wide) and supplied to radio stations in 120 countries
B. very few grammatical rules
C. who use English as a second language
D. recent increase in China’s contacts with the outside world
E. use English as their mother tongue
F. who devised a system called "Basic English"
G. while the northerner prefers English to any of the southern languages
H. where many local languages are spoken
I. that spreading the use of English is entirely beneficial has its opponents
J. English in one form or another will be spoken by far more people
K. and those who have little or no education
L. it will doubtless continue to change and develop
A mysterious phenomenon is the ability
of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds, bees, and other species can
keep track of time without any sensory cues from the outside world, and such
"biological clocks" clearly contribute to their "compass sense." For example,
they can use the position of the Sun or stars, along with the time of day, to
find north. But compass sense alone cannot explain how birds navigate the ocean:
after a flock traveling east is blown far south by a storm, it will assume the
proper northeasterly course to compensate. Perhaps, some scientists thought,
migrants determine their geographic position on the Earth by celestial
navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and planets, but this would
demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. Researchers now know that some
species have a magnetic sense, A. Pigeons can properly read just their course even when flying long distances through exceedingly dense fogs. B. Bison are able to reach their destination by passing through a landscape that has been partially altered by a recent fire. C. Elephants are able to find grounds that some members of the herd have never seen before. D. Swallows are able to return to a given spot at the same time every year. [填空题]请完善程序(程序文件名:Java_2.java)并进行调试。请在下画线处填入正确内容,然后删除下画线。请勿删除注释行和其他已有的语句内容。
题目要求: 将source.txt文件中的字符,通过文件输入/输出流复制到dest.txt文件中。 源程序: import java.io.*; public class Java_2 public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException File inputFile; File outputFile; FileInputStream in; FileoutputStream out; int c; inputFile=new File("source.txt"); outputFile=new File("dest.txt"); in=new FileInputStream(inputFile); (1) (outputFile); while((c=in.read( ))!=-1) (2) ; in.close( ); out.close( ); [填空题]C语言是面向过程的语言,Java语言是面向()的语言。
A. 元胜任特征 B. 行业通用胜任特征 C. 组织内部胜任特征 D. 行业技术胜任特征 [单选题]一级城市的B类供电区域可采用的自动化建设模式是:( )。
A.可辅以故障定位技术 B.电缆线路宜优先采用集中控制型 C.可采用以故障自动定位为主的运行监视型。 D.可混合采用运行监测型和就地控制型。 [多选题]MEWS 评分适用于
A.急诊分诊 B.门诊分诊 C.院前急救 D.ICU E.留观病人及急诊病人院内转运 [单项选择]以下哪一位晚清贵族是光绪帝生父()
A. 怡亲王 B. 庆亲王 C. 恭亲王 D. 醇亲王 [单选题]前置刀架数控车床上车削外锥面,刀尖半径补偿指令是( )。
A.G40 B.G41 C.G42 D.G43 [单项选择]《化妆品卫生监督条例》是由()批准的。
A. 卫生部 B. 省级卫生行政部门 C. 全国人大常委会 D. 国务院 E. 国务院法制局 [单选题]小儿腹泻脱水无明显循环障碍者,前8小时最合适的补液速度是
A.2-4ml/(kg·h) B.5-7ml/(kg·h) C.8-10ml/(kg·h) D.11-13ml/(kg·h) E.14-16ml/(kg·h) [单选题] 单结晶体管有个别管子的 E 极和B1 极间的( ?)电阻值较小。
A.反向 B.正向 C.逆向 D.同向 [单项选择]The term "mummy" was used to describe ______.
A. kings of ancient Egypt B. the place where Egyptian kings were buried C. the preserved body of a dead person D. one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world [名词解释]实际税率
A. 四倍 B. 六倍 C. 八倍 D. 十倍 [单项选择]患儿,女,10岁。阵发性右上腹绞痛,伴恶心呕吐,腹部平软。用特定穴治疗,应首选()
A. 原穴 B. 络穴 C. 背俞穴 D. 郄穴 E. 下合穴 [单项选择]病人患病时出现抵抗的行为反应,如多方咨询,四处求医等,其心理反应是属于
A. 焦虑情绪 B. 孤独感 C. 否认患病 D. 罪恶感 E. 恐惧心理 [单选题]在城市内涝区或平稳的水域实施救援行动时,未配备冲锋舟的,应经评估后谨慎使用( )。
A.橡皮艇 B.木板 C.轮胎 D.救生圈 [判断题]操作直流电桥测试环绕电阻时,调节测定臂(平衡臂)观看表针的偏转情况,若表针偏向“+”方向,说明测定臂不得减电阻,若表针偏向“-”方向,则应增加测定臂电阻,直至检流计表针指零。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交