Of all the employed workers in the
United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States
Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have{{U}}
(62) {{/U}}they term "alternative employment arrangements." The
government predicts that temporary staffing agencies will{{U}} (63)
{{/U}}growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}the rate of predicted, these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs
by 2010. Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are likely to be the first to regain{{U}} (65) {{/U}}as the economy{{U}} (66) {{/U}}and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because they offer{{U}} (67) {{/U}}and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are{{U}} (68) {{/U}}as "ind A. therefore B. whereas C. however D. moreover [简答题]交直流回路是否可共用一条电缆?
[单选题] 锅炉在正常时,在采用定速给水泵进水过程中,给水调节阀开度一般保持在( )。
A.40%-70% B.10%-30% C.20%-40% D.30%-50%" [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司信息安全等级保护管理办法》(Q/CSG218016-2014),信息系统等级保护包括信息系统定级、信息系统备案、总体安全规划、安全设计及实施、信息系统测评、安全运行与维护、系统终止等阶段。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 油浸变压器电抗器安装,储油和油处理现场应配备足够可靠的消防器材,应制定明确的消防责任制,10m范围内不得有
A.材料站 B.火种 C.易燃易爆物品 D.金属器具 [简答题]对大型养路设备进行检修时,必须注意哪些方面?
[单选题]《劳动法》规定,劳动者对用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权( )。
A.责令改正 B.进行处罚 C.拒绝执行 [单项选择] You install a SCSI adapter and a SCSI tape drive on your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You start the computer. Windows 2000 Professional detects and installs drivers for the new SCSI devices. Later the same day, you restart your computer. During the startup process, the computer stops loading Windows 2000 Professional. You then restart the computer and it stops again. You want to enable your Windows 2000 Professional computer to start successfully. What should you do? ()
A. Start the computer in safe mode. Enable driver signing. B. Start the computer in safe mode. Use Device Manager to remove the SCSI tape device. C. Start the computer by using the Recovery Console. Repair the Master Boot Record by using the fixmbr command. D. Start the computer by using the Recovery Console. Disable the SCSI adapter device driver by using the disable command. [判断题]导线的地面划印,即将架空线的划印工作由杆塔挂线点处移到杆塔的根部,离地面不高的地方进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一个8位的单极性D/A转换器,最小分辨电压△U=0.1V,则其满度输出电压为()V。
A. 0.8 B. 8 C. 12.5 D. 25.5 [多选题]询问最后离开起火部位或现场人的内容有( )
A.离开前的火源、电源情况 B.生产设备运行情况 C.其他人员情况 D.离开前有无异常情况 [单选题] "制造业的供应品与服务业的供应品相比有形程度( )。
A. 更高 B. 相同 C. 更低 D. 无法比较 [单选题]用人单位安排加班不支付加班费的,由劳动行政部门责令限期支付;逾期不支付的,由劳动行政部门责令用人单位按应付金额的()向劳动者加付赔偿金。
A.50%以上 B.50%~100% C.100%以上 D.200% [单项选择]6个月女婴,低热1天伴咳嗽、喘、憋。体检:T38℃,稍烦躁,气促,呼吸60次/分。面色尚可,呼气相延长,两肺呼吸音对称,有较多哮鸣音,心率160次/分,心音强,肝下3.0cm。最可能的诊断是()
A. 婴幼儿哮喘 B. 合胞病毒肺炎 C. 金葡菌肺炎 D. 吸入性肺炎 E. 重症肺炎 [判断题]安全工作检查分为综合检查和专项检查两种,安全检查的方式有定期检查和不定期检查。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交