Dear Mr. Green,
From the March 4 issue of the International Business Daily we have learned that you are in the market for chinaware, which just falls within our business scope. We are now writing to you to establish long-term trade relation.
As a leading trading company in Shanghai and backed by 20 years of export experience, we have good connections with some reputable ceramics(瓷器制造) factories and, sufficient supplies and on-time delivery are thus guaranteed.
Enclosed please find our latest catalogue. You’ll see that we can offer a wide selection of quality dinner sets, ranging from the elegant Chinese traditional styles to the popular European modern designs.
In particular, we would like to inform you that we have a new line that may be most suitable for your requirements -- HX series. They are made of first-class porcelain (瓷器), decorated with hand-painted patterns, and packed in eye-catching gift cases. Most of articles are availa
Promptness is important in American
business, academic, and social settings. The (56) of
punctuality is taught to young children at school. Today slips and the use of
bells signal to the child that (57) and time itself are to be
respected. People who keep (58) are considered dependable. If people are late for job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often (59) unreliable and irresponsible. In the business setting, "time is money" and companies may (60) their executive for tardiness to business meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for (61) arrivals. Calling (62) the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for (63) appointments is (64) polite and is often expected. Keeping a fr A. approve B. sue C. fine D. persecute [多项选择]2001年7月份,A公司经催告,以没有资金为由欠缴税款10万元。税务机关经调查发现,同年6月底,A公司免除B公司对其的到期债务8.5万元。下列说法于法有据的是( )。
A. 税务机关可以依照合同法的相关规定对该8.5万元行使相应的代位权 B. 税务机关可以依照合同法的相关规定对A公司的免除行为行使撤销权 C. 税务机关行使了代位权或撤销权后,A公司仍负有缴纳剩余未缴税款的义务 D. 税务机关可以同时对A公司处以相应的罚款 [简答题][背景资料]
某建工集团在沿海城市承接一栋旧房改造工程,建筑面积22000m2,地下3层,地上27层,1—5层为酒店,外墙采用玻璃幕墙,室内部分填充墙保留,其余全部拆除,精装修交工。 事件1:业主要求在1层增加夹层,采用C25混凝土现浇板,施工单位根据业主和设计的要求进行施工,由于夹层面积比较大,混凝土浇筑时按设计留置了施工缝。 事件2:工人在2层砌筑填充墙时,突然倒塌当场砸死3人。项目经理一边组织人员抢救现场,一边向主管部门汇报。事后调查,因为砌筑填充墙比较长,又比较高,没有采取任何措施,是导致事故发生的原因。 事件3:室内墙面采用水性涂料施工,工人施工时当地气温达到38℃,对于基层处理,施工前工长要求工人在新砌筑的墙体刷抗碱封闭底漆,旧墙体清除疏松的旧装饰层。 事件2中施工单位砌筑填充墙时,应采取哪些抗震拉结措施 [判断题]防爆电气设备入井前,需检查其“产品合格证”、“防爆合格证”、“使用说明书”;检查合格并签发合格证后,方准入井 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]参苏饮主治证的病因病机是()
A. 外感风寒,内有痰热 B. 外感风寒,内有痰湿 C. 外感风寒,内有蕴热 D. 外感风寒,内停饮水 E. 外感风寒,内伤湿滞 我来回答: 提交