The study of literary influence among
women writers has frequently adopted a model of sororal or matrilineal sharing
in an often explicitly stated contrast to Harold Bloom’s well-established theory
of the "anxiety of influence" besetting male writers. In Bloom’s powerfully
influential vision, that anxiety is posed as a kind of Freudian agon of sons
against fathers, a struggle of self-definition through resistance and mastery.
Feminist critics have generally agreed with the Bloomian model as applied to
male authors but have demurred with respect to women writers, whom we have
tended to see in familial terms. The model of a separate women’s tradition in
literature, its inner coherence maintained by resistance to male dominance, that
was posited in the 1970s by Ellen Moers, Elaine Showalter, and Sandra M. Gilbert
and Susan Gubar has b A. are intended to include the reader in the statements. B. indicate that the author is a woman. C. are a literary form used instead of "I." D. refer to something other than the above; [多项选择]当需要被访者提供更多信息时,可采用( )。
A. 中性提问 B. 评论方式 C. 系统追问 D. 沉默不语 [多项选择]城市基础信息评估单元包括()。
A. 建筑面积 B. 人口密度 C. 经济密度 D. 路网密度 E. 轨道交通 [单项选择]( )是政府为新增加或是改造旧有公共设施,根据公众收益大小而按比例课征的收入,目的是用以补充工程费用的全部或一部分。
A. 特别保证 B. 准许金 C. 一般课征 D. 杂税课征 [填空题]化学醇硫酸钾(包装重10公斤)
[单选题]救援三脚架结构收拢长度1.7 m,撑开长度2.75m,吊索长度≤_m,手动力( )N。
A.550 m 30N B.550 m 40N C.500 m 30N D.500 m 40N [多选题]关于安全生产领域有关协会组织发挥的作用,表述正确的是( )。
A.为生产经营单位提供安全生产方面的信息服务 B.为生产经营单位提供安全生产方面的培训服务 C.加强对生产经营单位的安全生产管理 D.发挥自律作用 E.促进生产经营单位加强安全生产管理 [单项选择]在火灾报警控制器上,()灯亮,表示控制器检测到外部设备(探测器、模块或火灾显示盘)有故障,或控制器本身出现故障。
A. 故障 B. 主电工作 C. 备电工作 D. 屏蔽 [单项选择]今见的北京故宫始建于()时。
A. 元朝初 B. 朱元璋 C. 朱允坟 D. 朱棣 我来回答: 提交