Many Americans find silence
uncomfortable during a buffet or a formal dinner. {{U}} (21) {{/U}}in the
States there is the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} practice of making "small talk" in
certain social situation. Small talk deals {{U}} (23) {{/U}} various
topics, superficially, simply for the sake of keeping a conversation
{{U}} (24) {{/U}}. The topics {{U}} (25) {{/U}} include the
weather, sports, college courses, clothing, food, etc. Small talk is
{{U}} (26) {{/U}} useful at social gathering when you meet someone for
the first time, or when polite conversation is expected but no serious
discussion {{U}} (27) {{/U}}. It is common but not necessarily expected that one should know {{U}} (28) {{/U}} in a group before engaging him or her in conversation. {{U}} (29) {{/U}}, at a party or {{U}} (30) {{/U}} informal social gatherings, a simple " A. the young B. the old C. strangers D. people [单项选择]()是以航行于国与国之间的海轮所运输的货物为保险标的,承保货物在远洋运输途中因遭受自然灾害或意外事故所造成的损失的保险。
A. 船舶保险 B. 保赔保险 C. 海上货物运输保险 D. 运费保险 [多选题]《建筑施工安全生产标准化考评暂行办法》规定,建筑施工安全生产标准化考评工作应坚持( )的原则
A. 客观 B. 公平 C. 公正 D. 公开 E. 严谨 [多选题]塔吊拆卸时应连续进行,必须保证塔式起重机处于安全状态。拆卸时应先()、后拆除()。
A.降节 B.升节 C.安全装置 D.附着装置 [单选题]矩形连续梁的支座截面按照( )截面计算承载力。
A.T形 B.矩形 C.工字形 D.L形 [单项选择]动脉导管未闭X线检查下列哪项不正确()
A. 动脉导管细者心血管影可正常 B. 分流量大的患者左室、左房增大,肺动脉段突出 C. “肺门舞蹈”征 D. 主动脉结缩小 E. 肺动脉高压时,肺门处肺动脉总干及其分支扩大,而远端肺野肺小动脉狭小 [填空题]传输子系统单站设备中断不影响计算机网络、()业务。
A. 间接测量 B. 直接测量 C. 对比测量 D. 光学原理测量 [多选题]在钢轨探伤中应采用的方法是( )检查。
A.探伤仪 B.手工检查 C.超声波检查 D.涡流探伤 E.目测 [判断题]中矿泵机座螺栓应采用防松结构。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]放松警惕,侥幸麻痹是造成训练事故的()原因。
A.主观 B.客观 C.主要 D.次要 我来回答: 提交