Even to his contemporaries, Rochester
was a legendary figure One of the youngest and most handsome courtiers of the
restored Charles Ⅱ. he was the favorite of a king whose wit, lasciviousness and
serious intellectual interests he shared. He was banished from court several
times, but Charles’s pleasure in his conversation always resulted in his recall.
His authentic adventures included the attempted abduction of an heiress (whom he
later married), smashing a phallic-shaped sundial in the royal gardens during a
drunken celebrity, and a violent quarrel with the watch at Epsom in which one of
his companions was killed. Quite apart from his reputation as a poet. he was feted in the writings of his friends, notably in Sir George Etherege’s comedy, "The Man of Mode". Just before he died in 1680. at the age of 33. destro A. crucial in the development of English verse satire B. a comedy writer C. Boileau’s student D. an important model for later poets [判断题]1626. 1626.车站对施工区间办理闭塞时,驻站联络员应立即向现场防护员发出预报;如系通过列车,则应提前一个车站(即邻站向本站发车时)发出确报。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些选项不属于客运值班员岗服务要求?( )
A.检查客服中心情况,确保设备正常和客服中心零钱、票卡、发票充足 B.负责监控当班整体服务工作,巡视并检查当班员工在语言、形体、着装等方面是否符合服务 标准,指正员工服务工作不足,确保本班服务质量 C.在大客流前做好准备工作,如提前配票、准备好充足钱、票、确保设备状态良好等 D.车站出现大客流,乘客排长队现象时应积极采取措施,播放广播疏导客流,让乘客顺利购票和进出车站 [单选题]带电作业金属工具的试验周期为一年一次。()
A. 正确 B. 错误 [多选题]573
对用户使用虚拟机的状态进行统计时,需要统计哪些任务? A. 一定时间段内的在线用户数。 B. 一定时间段内用户虚拟机的登录情况。 C. 一定时间段内的用户每日使用时间。 D. 一定时间段内的未使用的虚拟机数. [简答题]间接带电作业时对工作领导人有何要求?(应知应会-《安规》第95条)
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 [单项选择]身の回りのこともできない()、「ぼくは自立している」なんて言わないで欲しいわ。
A. からして B. 次第で C. くせに D. に関せず [判断题]安全教育不落实。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]进入施工现场的每一批钢材,应在建设单位代表或监理工程师的见证下,按每一批量不超过()t进行见证取样。
A. 30 B. 60 C. 100 D. 200 [单选题]23.不要频繁开闭示波器的电源,防止损坏( )。
A.电源 B.示波管灯丝 C.保险丝 D.X轴放大器 [多选题]高铁中型及以上车站是指办理动车组列车客运业务,建筑规模为( )的高速铁路(含客运专线)车站。
A.特大型 B.大型 C.中型 D.小型 [填空题]Вам ( ничто, нечто ) меня благодарить.
[判断题]渣浆泵输不出液体,不可能是矿浆浓度太高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]智能变电站现场调试时,对装置进行功能性试验的相对湿度为45%〜
75%O A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交