Many people wrongly believe that when
people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left
in the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} children visit, them only occasionally, but more often,
they do not have any {{U}} (69) {{/U}} visitors. The truth is that this
idea is an unfortunate myth--an {{U}} (70) {{/U}} story. In fact, family
members provide over 80 percent of the care {{U}} (71) {{/U}} elderly
people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied {{U}} (72) {{/U}} the
American family is changing. He reported that by the time the {{U}}
(73) {{/U}} American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have
more parents than children. {{U}} (74) {{/U}} , because people today live
longer after an illness than people did years {{U}} (75) {{/U}} , family
members must p A. that B. those C. this D. these 热门试题:[判断题]929. 133.调车机车越区作业的联系和防护办法,可由有关调车区长临时商定。()(B、4、X)[04-00-07-05][020504]
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
More than two million people in Europe now have fibre broadband direct to their home, suggests a survey. The latest figures on superfast broadband delivered by fibre to the home (FTITI) shows 18% growth over the last survey compiled in late 2008. The continued growth suggests that the global economic downturn has not hit plans to build {{I}}infrastructure {{/I}}(基础设施) of fibre. Sweden tops the list of nations rolling out the technology, with 10.9% of its broadband customers using fibre. Karel Helsen, president of Europe’s Fibre-To-The-Home Council, said the growth matched predictions that were revised when the credit {{I}}crunch{{/I}} (信用紧缩) started to make itself felt. "The numbers in 2009 are in line with the latest forecasts," said Mr. Helsen. By 2012, the FITH Council expects that 13 million people across 35 European nations will have [单选题]振动台法测定最大干密度时,应分()振实。
A.两层 B.三层 C.四层 D.五层 [单选题]机械设备电气系统造成的伤害主要是( )。
A.电击 B.电伤 C.电击和电伤 [单选题]关于1956 年中国社会的变化,表述不正确的一项是( )。
A.生产资料所有制形式发生了根本性变化 B.中国社会形态发生巨大变化 C.中国社会主要矛盾发生变化 D.新民主主义革命过渡到社会主义革命时期 [判断题]起飞后轻、缓拉上隔帘之前向坐在隔帘后面的客人点头致意,关闭B-777机型隔板观察窗,注意礼貌礼节
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Trees are so common arid quiet that we pay them little mind. What, for instance, should we answer when asked to name the biggest living thing Earth has ever seen Dinosaurs Blue whales No, the largest sequoias in northern California weigh more than six blue whales. The tallest redwoods and Australian eucalyptus trees tower more than 300 feet high, three times the length of the greatest dinosaur.
(71) Some bristlecone pine trees in the American West are more than 4, 000 years old, seedlings at the time the Egyptians were building the Pyramids. Trees sustain our lives and our planet in a thousand practical ways. This morning at breakfast—in your wood-framed house, on your wooden kitchen table—you might have enjoyed orange juice or a grapefruit. Both come to use from trees. Over your French toast you may have sprinkled cinnamon and nutmeg, the powdered bark and nuts of tropical trees. That quart of maple syrup on your table was boiled down from roughly 10 gallons of sap f A. For centuries, the Chinese have derived medicines from the ginkgo tree. B. Through photosynthesis, an acre of trees produces enough oxygen to sustain three humans. C. As scientists unlock the secrets of trees, they uncover surprising tacts. D. Trees have always been green machines, producing substances that humans learned to use. E. You think, at 150 or more years, giant tortoises can live a long time F. And the morning newspaper was printed on the processed wood pulp we call paper. [单选题]一般平均每次奶量,4~6个月内的婴幼儿,奶量为()。
A.60~120ml B.80~120ml C.120~150ml D.150~180ml [判断题]当锅炉进行超压试验时应将水位计和安全门解列。
A.增加一个百分点 B.增加5% C.增加6% D.增加2.04百分点 [单选题]普速铁路区段,设有双向闭塞设备的双线自动闭塞区间反方向行车时,运行中应注意( ),电力机车、动车组反方向运行时需注意电分相位置。
A.临时限速地点标 B.禁停区域位置 C.LKJ数据调整 [单项选择]有关构造函数的叙述不正确的是
A. 构造函数名必须和类名一致 B. 构造函数在定义对象时自动执行 C. 构造函数无任何函数类型 D. 在一个类中构造函数有且仅有一个 [单项选择]痢疾初起,兼有恶寒发热,头痛身重。其治疗宜用()
A. 藿香正气散 B. 芍药汤 C. 荆防败毒散 D. 白头翁汤 E. 葛根芩连汤 [多选题]242. 已申报缴款的《电子缴库专用缴款书》需加盖( )印章。
A.付款人预留印鉴; B. 征收机关的印鉴; C.柜台业务专用章; D.附件章 [单选题]《关于强化基层安全体系建设的指导意见》中,加强岗位练兵可以不断提升()。
A.岗位安全操作能力 B.岗位安全风险识别能力 C.初期应急处置能力 D.以上全是 [单选题]犹太人只占美国人口的2%,但是他们在美国社会的很多领域都起 着_的作用。与其他人数相仿的群体相比,犹太人吸引了人们更多的注意力—对犹太人的议论、论述和描 写_。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。
A.至关重要甚嚣尘上 B.无与伦比司空见惯 C.举足轻重屡见不鲜 D.独一无二层出不穷 [单项选择]主体功能区类型有优化开发区、限制开发区以及( )等。
A. 重点规划区 B. 重点开发区 C. 行政区 D. 国土空间 [单项选择]If you are writing or studying, it makes very much difference where the light comes from. People who use books and pens every day (41) to be especially careful about the direction from which the light shines on their work.
A house gets it’s light (42) from daylight through windows (43) is very good to use or from the lamps, but no matter what kind of light it is, the direction it slants(倾斜) towards our books or our work is a matter of great 44 to the eyes. Take a book,stand with your back toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow falls across the page and makes it bad for your eyes as if you were in a (45) room. Now turn (46) and face the window. The page is the shadow again,while the bright light is in your (47) . Try standing with your right side towards the window. This is very good for reading, (48) if you were writing,the shadow would (49) the page and trouble you a little. A. want B. have C. know [判断题]在制定拜访计划中,要准备的不同方案、我方最想得到的信息、要向客户提供的信息等,假设拜访中可能会遇到的障碍或问题,出现这些问题的解决方法等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接触线几何参数(接触线拉出值、跨中偏移值、接触线高度、接触线坡度)静态检测周期为( )。
A.3个月 B.6个月 C.9个月 D.12个月 [单选题]政府主管部门要保证公众充分了解发生重大事故时的安全措施,一旦发生重大事故,应()。
A.尽快呼救 B.尽快报警 C.原地不动 [单选题]圈梁的宽度一般同墙体的厚度,当墙体的厚度超过240mm时,圈梁的宽度可比墙体的厚度小,但应不小于墙体厚度的()
A.1/2 B.3/4 C.2/3 D.4/5 [单选题]在线路上使用小型养路机械作业时,应由( )担任施工负责人。
A.线路班长 B.线路工长 C.车间主任 D.段级领导 [简答题]Getting a cold or catching the flu is a common complaint for people every year. In fact, people usually catch between two and five colds a year. No one enjoys the accompanying symptoms: the sore throat, runny nose, constant sneezing and headaches. Not surprisingly, cold medications have become a big business. People spend billions of dollars to combat this recurring problem. We see the number and variety of over-the-counter medicines each time we enter a pharmacy. People estimate that, if you combine consumer purchases and drains on health care systems, at least 40 billion dollars are spent each year in the US alone. Is a cure for the common cold possible The answer seems to be both yes and no.
First of all, the "common" cold itself is not a single disease. Any of two hundred different viruses could be responsible for the symptoms of a cold. Developing a vaccine for the common cold would literally mean having to develop hundreds of vaccines. Additionally, some cold viruses have [多选题]企业的应付款来源于()。
A.专用发票 B.普通发票 C.其他应付单 D.其他应收单 [单选题]当路基附近的地面水或浅层地下水无法排除,而距地面不深处有渗透性土层,且地下水流向背离路基,地面水流量不大时设置的立式排水设备,称为( )。
A.渗井 B.渗沟 C.截水沟 D.边沟 [判断题]工作场所应符合职业病危害因素的强度(浓度)符合国家职业卫生标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]气体灭火系统一般由( )等组成。
A.灭火剂贮存瓶组 B.液体单向阀、集流管、选择阀以及阀驱动装置 C.压力讯号器 D.管网 E.喷嘴 [判断题]配变终端具备越限、断相、失压、三相不平衡、停电等告警功能
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产经营项目、场所发包或者出租给其他单位的,由承包或承租单位对安全生产工作统一协调和管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.37.5℃~38℃
A.38.1℃~39℃ B.39.1℃~40℃ C.39.1℃~41℃ D.>41℃ E.高热 [判断题]对于列管式固定床反应器,当反应温度为280℃时可选用导生油作热载体。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高血压伴窦性心动过速宜选用
A.硝普钠 B.卡托普利 C.非洛地平 D.普萘洛尔 E.利血平 [单选题]力争到二〇三五年( )国防和军队现代化,到本世纪中叶把人民军队( )世界一流军队。
A.全面实现 基本建成 B.全面实现 全面建成 C.基本实现 基本建成 D.基本实现 全面建成 [单选题]脂肪动员时,三酰甘油逐步水解所释放的脂肪酸在血中的运输形式是( )
A.与载脂蛋白结合 B.与磷脂结合 C.与球蛋白结合 D.与清蛋白结合 E.与胆红素结合 [单项选择]以下关于低渗性脱水的病理改变的描述不正确的是()
A. 失钠比例多于失水 B. 细胞外液低渗 C. 细胞外液脱水最重 D. 细胞内水肿 E. 细胞内脱水 [单项选择]公称压力是阀门在()允许的最大工作压力。
A. 基准温度下 B. 最高允许温度 C. 最低允许温度 D. 基准压力 我来回答: 提交