Britain’s east midlands were once the
picture of English countryside, alive with flocks, shepherds, skylarks and
buttercups—the stuff of fairytales. In 1941 George Marsh left school at the age
of 14 to work as a herdsman in Nottinghamshire, the East Midlands countryside
his parents and grandparents farmed. He recalls skylarks nesting in cereal
fields, which when accidentally disturbed would fly singing into the sky. But in
his lifetime, Marsh has seen the color and diversity of his native land fade.
Farmers used to grow about a ton of wheat per acre; now they grow four tons.
Pesticides have killed off the insects upon which skylarks fed, and year-round
harvesting has driven the birds from their winter nests. Skylarks are now rare.
"Farmers kill anything that affects production," says Marsh. "Agriculture is too A. They reported the results of the surveys to the government. B. There were no such comprehensive surveys done before. C. The surveys show more plant species are extinct. D. Other ecologists will do more surveys based on theirs. [单选题]塑料窗试验前应在( )环境条件下存放16h以上,并在该条件下进行试验。
A.A、18℃-28℃ B.B、(20±3)℃ C.C、(20±1)℃ D.D、(23±2)℃ [单选题]医嘱“安定5mg,s.o.s.”, 护士正确执行该医嘱的方法是( )
A.可执行多次 B.需立即执行 C.过期尚未执行即失效 D.24小时以内都视为有效 E.在医生未注明失效时可随时执行 [填空题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,旅客办理分票手续时按分票的()核收手续费。
[单选题]扛抬笨重物品时,每人负重一般不得超过( )kg。
A.45 B.50 C.55 D.60 [单选题]工作中,需临时停用有关保护装置、配电自动化装置、安全自动装置或自动化监控系统时,应向调度控制中心申请,经()同意,方可执行。
A.A.工作负责人 B.B.值班调控人员或运维人员 C.C.工作票签发人 D.D.专责监护人 [单选题]保温材料的化学稳定性要好,不应含有对管道有腐蚀的物质,且不易燃烧,以防造成火灾事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]架空线路导线最大使用应力不可能出现的气象条件是()。
A.最高气温 B.最大风速 C.最大覆冰 D.最低气温 [简答题]客运作业人员安全标准通用标准中对高空作业时有何要求
[单选题]期货从业人员在执业过程中应当以适当技能,以小心谨慎、勤勉尽责和独立客观的态度为投资者提供服务,并( )。
A.维护投资者的全部权益 B.维护投资者的适当权益 C.维护投资者的合法权益 D.维护公司的全部利益 [单选题]柱上变压器台架工作,人体与高压线路和跌落式熔断器上部带电部分应保持安全距离。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]列车进站后,应停于接车线警冲标内方。在设有出站(进路)信号机的线路,列车头部不得越过()。
A.警冲标 B.出站(进路)信号机 C.道岔 D.绝缘节 [单项选择]《土地估价师资格考试管理办法》规定,应试人员在连续( )个考试年度内通过全部科目考试,获得《中华人民共和国土地估价师资格证书》,取得土地估价师资格。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 [多选题]电气灭火用“1211”或()灭火器、()灭火器效果好,因为这三种灭火器的灭火药剂()性能好,不会发上触电商人事故。
A.A、干粉 B.B、二氧化碳 C.B、绝缘 D.D、防爆 我来回答: 提交